Quote Originally Posted by Wheeze View Post
I love the idea that thoughts have energy and therefore can be considered as matter...puts a whole new spin on 'concrete thoughts' doesn't it? My old man always taught me to use the benefits of positive thinking.

Mind you, the worst of this is that maybe there is something in the 'cosmic ordering' that Noel Edmonds spouts on about!!!
The science of positive thinking looks to go a bit like this. If you think positively you align yourself with 'attractor fields' that are of a very high energy. There is a 'scale if consciousness' which calibrates emotions and thoughts on a scale of 1-1000. The scale is logarithmic not linear, so 300 is not twice the power of 150 but 10 to the power 300.

An 'Attractor' is a mathematical term for something which is locally chaotic, but has large scale patterns. This one of the terms i don't fully understand the use of, but it is used to refer to an energy field used by or generated by a person.

Some people just know the benefit of positive thinking and don't need to be taught it. It is logical to assume that some of us have retained the ability to use the Field in this way, and just know in their hearts that they are doing right. When you meet someone who is very effective at being human in this way you know because you'll want to be around them, your subconscious mind will want to learn from them by monitoring their interference waves. I've had this experience myself, it can be very confusing for you if it turns out to be a pretty girl!

There are very few people above 500, Mother Teresa and Ghandi both calibrate at 700. The average for the whole of human kind is 207, christmas calibrates at 535 which i don't understand. Religious fundamentalism be it Islam or Christian calibrates at 150, and translated scriptures such as the King James Bible lose about 300 in the translation process. Kinesiologic Muscle Testing is used to get a calibration, it can be done on any living person as we are all connected to everything that has ever happened and to eachother via the Zero Point Field.