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Thread: Depression

  1. #351
    Master that_fjell_guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    At rock bottom.
    50% work 50% divorce
    Sinking at the minute.
    Sorry to read this Stagger. I'll be honest I'm useless at being supportive via the medium of forum. But just to say there's plenty here noting your issues. And trite it might seem but hoefully there's light at the end of the tunnel, first steps and all that....maybe see you in passing on a hill sometime.
    I M Povey New Marske Harriers

  2. #352
    Join Date
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Quote Originally Posted by that_fjell_guy View Post
    Sorry to read this Stagger. I'll be honest I'm useless at being supportive via the medium of forum. But just to say there's plenty here noting your issues. And trite it might seem but hoefully there's light at the end of the tunnel, first steps and all that....maybe see you in passing on a hill sometime.
    Thankyou, mean's alot to know support is out there.��

  3. #353
    Senior Member Chris K's Avatar
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    Also, as in your name, Stagger, it means you're not lying down, but just rising from another fall and just look back on here and see the support you have. That 'rising from another fall' of course goes out to all others who have been on here sharing their own issues.
    A circular route mostly downhill

  4. #354
    Join Date
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    Managed a potter round Rivvy Pike.
    Finished 2nd last but caught up with some wonderful people.

    If only someone from the past would allow me to move on!

    Life is tough, battling is tougher and losing is not an option.

    Stagger the man is so low that the only way is up.

    Hard in all areas.


  5. #355
    Senior Member Mr1470's Avatar
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    Good on you for getting out there Stagger and doing the race. Keep on keeping on. Every step is a step forward. In the end, the only person who can stop you moving on is yourself. You hold the key to that. Other people will do whatever they do, you can't control that. But you can examine your own reactions to events. Have you ever tried an 8 week mindfulness meditation programme? Is it something you'd look at? It works for some people.
    Loving life in the Highlands


  6. #356
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    Managed a potter round Rivvy Pike.
    Finished 2nd last but caught up with some wonderful people.

    If only someone from the past would allow me to move on!

    Life is tough, battling is tougher and losing is not an option.

    Stagger the man is so low that the only way is up.

    Hard in all areas.

    Sometimes it's ourselves that don't allow us to move on, i have this problem a lot. It's natural for most of us to question reality, but a lot of us argue with it, and it costs us dearly. "Why am i not better looking", "This person has cancelled a commitment they made to me and this means they don't respect me", "i hate the way my body looks these days". To argue with reality is about as useful as trying to teach a cat to bark, the cat will just look up and meow at you every time.

    At the top of a piece of paper write a short statement such as the ones above that is bothering you, dwell on it and think how it makes you feel. Write down how it makes you feel, think of how much of your life is built around this statement. Ask yourself whether you can see a reason to drop this belief, and commit it to paper. Consider who you would be if you weren't attatching to this statement, think of the person who you would want to be without the statement and write it all down. Finally ask yourself if you can think of a stress-free reason to hang onto the statement; the answer will always be no.

    You can't actually cast out a stressful thought forcefully, but through this process you can allow your mind to realise that the thought is causing terrible pain. When you realise this your mind lets go of the thought itself.

    Once you have accepted you are attatching to something that is harming you, you can turn the statement around so it projects inwardly at yourself and reflect on any significance you observe. For example:

    "Jane doesn't respect me because she cancelled our date"

    "I don't respect the fact that Jane had to cancel our date"
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  7. #357
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    Thanks Luke for your input.
    It means a lot ��

  8. #358
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    Thanks Luke for your input.
    It means a lot ��
    No problem Trev. I've been reading a very interesting book recently: Power Vs Force- The hidden determinants of human behaviour (David R Hawkins). The the work can be chunked down into 2 main blocks; firstly the scientifically evidenced presence of a collective human consciousness and associated 'attractors', and secondly the use of a testing method to distinguish between truth/falsehood, positive/negative, anabolic/catabolic etc. The most startling thing of all has been the author's absolute commitment to scientifically evidencing all the theories he has developed. The field of study has been active since the 70s, but has recieved little to no attention from mainstream medecine, and has opened a new field of study called 'Nonlinear Dynamics'.

    One obvious trend that runs through both this work and Byron Katie's 'Work', is the idea that our own perception of situations is the thing that does us harm. Katie refers to it as 'arguing with reality', but Hawkins goes waay deeper. Hawkins postulates that when we percieve a situation we align ourselves with either high or low energy 'Attractor Fields'; one breeds a spontaneous positive outlook, the other creates an almost exponential drop into negative thinking that will foster and align itself with similarly low energy Attractor Patterns outside of our own thinking, facilitated by every human being's connection to a collective consciousness we cannot feel or see.

    The section on addiction gave me insight into anti-depressant meds. I don't know why i've always known they were bad for people, but i have, and Hawkins' work offers hints as to why. Addicts don't experience a high; highs and lows are in us all the time and what we feel is the result of how we align our thinking. Drugs that raise mood will block out low energy attractor patterns leaving just the high energy ones, an example of which is what happens to someone who is put on uppers. The cost of this artificially attained state is addiction, it creates a debt which is paid in the form of a dependence. It seems to me that this is the method by which people become dependent on meds like Seroxat. It's well known in the field of Mental Health that some people automatically view anti-depressant meds as being 'poison', i believe it's become a hallmark of someone being at a certain stage of illness, and refusal of medication on this basis amongst those who are sectioned is commonplace. Personally i think it's their own consciousness responding to the fact that all drugs calibrate very lowly on Hawkins' 'Scale of Consciousness', 100 out of 1000 to be precise, the same level as the emotion 'fear'. To treat a patient in this manner is an example of force not power.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  9. #359
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Stagger - I've been reading this post quite a bit. I just wanted to say have a good day pal! Every one of us has some form issue or insecurity. Look at Aaron Lennon.

    Sending some sunshine your way Stagger!

  10. #360
    Senior Member RaceTheSweeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    Managed a potter round Rivvy Pike.
    Finished 2nd last but caught up with some wonderful people.

    If only someone from the past would allow me to move on!

    Life is tough, battling is tougher and losing is not an option.

    Stagger the man is so low that the only way is up.

    Hard in all areas.

    We are all routing for you Stagger. Depression is such a bastard. Just talking about it helps and getting out to races where faces are happy to see you will help.

    MrRTS got home last night and said "I'm struggling at the moment babe. Feeling really low". That in it's self is such a move forward as I used to just have to guess (it was not hard to guess). There does not have to be a reason with depression you just are. I went off to work and when I got home his hair and beard have been shaved back off. He has been growing it for the last 4 months. Thing is he felt better for it. It is one of his coping mechanisms, so whatever works.

    Do come and say hi to me and Beau dog at any races you turn up too. I'll share my supporter picnic with you :-) much love and hugs to you fella.

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