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Thread: good riddance mr alcohol

  1. #31

    Re: good riddance mr alcohol

    lad, there was once a time i would have read your post and not truly understood what you meant. i might have even sneered. there's a bloke at work and he has depression at times due to his gambling, it's like nobodies there when you talk to him, i never understood that either. sometimes you read about people who kill their partners and children through depression and i didn't understand that too. but now, having felt the anger, the frustration, the impotence and thinking people don't believe you, i now understand everything about depression and the things it makes you do and say. it's terrible and dark place to be.
    Marxist Leninism is a weapon of the workers

  2. #32
    Master Brotherton Lad's Avatar
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    Re: good riddance mr alcohol

    No, I wasn't depressed that time, more of a coiled spring for 3 years. This chap hit me in the face 3 times, then he copped an awful lot of stored anger. Had to wait 2 minutes till he started to come round, then I left him to it.
    I'm generally of a sunny disposition, a few things in life are very serious, some more have a little significance but a good 75% is neither here nor there. That often comes over to others as being rather languid or frivolous.
    I reckon there's a spell in most people's middle life when depression can set in, it's when you start to ask yourself, "Is this it? Is it all downhill from here?"

    Anyway, as for you getting into scrapes on here, I'll give you my thoughts (since we're now on nodding terms and I have the time, I'm assuming you're on earlys from your posting pattern).
    The anger in your head is plastered all over your posts. You are, in effect, coming into the forum with your sleeves rolled up and shouting, "Which one of you beggers wants a fight then?". Far better to do it here btw, where you've plenty of mates, than down the town.
    The anger is evident not only in the content (you'll have noticed I tend to disagree with that), but also in the coloured ink, the underlining, even the signature font. The old Private Eye joke about Daily Mail letter writers, green ink, block capitals and rulers has alot of truth in it. I can even see the anger in your syntax. Anyway, my point is that the posts are a symptom of your anger.
    I picked up on that in May and , if you were one of my soldiers, I would already have had a quiet word with the quack to try and get you back on the road, so to speak.

    I hope I'm not being too presumptious
    I've been through that mill myself, self-medicated with alcohol and long runs for years. Was on seroxat in the spring of '94, but stopped taking them after 2 days, made me too zingy for my liking.
    Last edited by Brotherton Lad; 10-09-2010 at 08:39 AM.

  3. #33
    Master Brotherton Lad's Avatar
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    daarn sarf

    Re: good riddance mr alcohol

    I believe jtB finishes work about 2pm. I haven't met him, some of you will know him well. He's posted about his anger and drink issue on here, so I thought I'd speak my mind.
    I'm happy to remove this post before midday, if there's a strong feeling I've over-stepped the mark.

    Right, it's staying. He can always whup my @rse at Whernside if it offends him. Mind you, he called me a bullshitter and a donkey the other night. Bit rich for a first insult. One or t'other would have been enough.

    'Donkey' especially, just consider the quality of debate in here (not that any of it is mine):

    Careful, you can lose an entire day in there, it's very addictive.
    Last edited by Brotherton Lad; 10-09-2010 at 01:42 PM.

  4. #34
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Re: good riddance mr alcohol

    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherton Lad View Post
    I believe jtB finishes work about 2pm. I haven't met him, some of you will know him well. He's posted about his anger and drink issue on here, so I thought I'd speak my mind.
    I'm happy to remove this post before midday, if there's a strong feeling I've over-stepped the mark.
    I've not met JtB, but this all seems reasonable to me. I think he's happy to talk about things, else he wouldn't have started the thread.

  5. #35
    Member weety's Avatar
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    Re: good riddance mr alcohol

    Valerian will help you sleep, its a herb, go to a health food shop and ask for some valerian tea bags. 'Pukka' do a herbal tea bag called 'Night Time', dude it really knocks you fact you will have the best nights sleep ever!! Stay away from your GP they will prescribe you nasty stuff that will only make you worse in the long run, best taking the natural route! For your sleep Valerian and if you feel depressed St Johns Wort.

    Take it easy, I now what you are going through.
    Last edited by weety; 12-09-2010 at 01:13 AM.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Behind You's Avatar
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    Re: good riddance mr alcohol

    I am a very light sleeper and can certainly vouch for valerian tea - I use Dr Stuart's Valerian Plus and have for years, it tastes really nice (mildly aniseed) so don't be put off by the smell of the teabags, this bears no relation to taste honestly! When I take them on holiday I do keep them on the veranda or something though in case the staff think it's me (imagine your stinkiest boggiest fell shoes). But they do give tremendously deep and refreshing sleep. You can also get Valerian in tablet form but not so much fun.
    Grok on!

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