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Thread: Dog looking for new home .

  1. #1

    Dog looking for new home .

    Hi, Im thinking of rehoming my dog Joe. Im starting uni next year and its a hours drive away and i dont have a car so even worse public trasport , i also have a five year old son and im a single parent .

    So even though i have the time for Joe just now next year is going to very hard and i feel joe wont get the time he needs, so after alot of thought and trying to work things out i think this may be best for him if i can find him the right home. Idealy he needs a garden, as i live in a small terrace with only a yard and he wont toilet in the yard whitch would make things easyer but i know he will toilet in a garden if need be.

    About joe, he is a very loving dog and loves attention, he can be a little submissive and i have worked on his confidence , he was rescued from a farm at paterdale cumbria just bellow helvellyn last year. as he wouldnt work sheep , he is an a austrailian Kelpie and about 6-7 years old. he handnt done anything before me and just stayed in the barn most of the time riddled with fleas while his brothers and sisters went out to work on the fells .

    he is very clever and learnt to walk on the lead in no time, and knows sit, lie , wait easly and even better for a treat .

    Joe loves to be out on the fells running or walkiing and only lies down when its to warm to wait on me to catch up, he is really in his elemnt on the fells, as this was where he grew up, and he is like a diff dog compared to walking round a town park where all he cares about id sniffing and scent marking. he road runs with me and can do 10 miles although i tend to limmit his running to 5 miles specially in the summer.

    as i have a little boy joe will wait in the mornings to be walked after i drop lad off at school so gets walked at 930 am. no silly early morning walks for us unless we plan to go early say to walk the scafells . Joe likes a hour walk in the morning and a hour at night and can have his last walk at night at about 5 pm and hold on till 930 am. but i wouldnt risk any later than that. if he would just pee in my yard ( silly boy )

    Joe is freindly to all creatures great and small, although im not sure about rats as we had a small toy about the size of a rat and he plucked it bald D im guessing there was rats in the barn. But yes very friendly often to friendly and has often when up to other dogs to say hello just to be chassed off. he will always back away from a fight but wont be bullied in a non agressive way.

    very soft, and just likes to sleep in his bed when not out for a walk or to be petted . he likes rules and will follow them if consitant. like he isnt alowed up stairs and has never been upstairs even when left alone . he doesnt bark, only when really excited for his walk or playing chase. doesnt bark at the door when people knock. if carslberg made dogs they would have made Joe . really is a top dog and its very hard for me but i think im doing the right thing for him.

    I wont be letting just anybody have him, so if you have the time and the love and havea stable lifestyle and can offer him a home full of love then get intouch . Im in no rush to rehome him and its only if the right person comes along. Im in south Cumbria . here is some pics, any questions just ask . thanks
    Last edited by lowlanderkev; 30-08-2010 at 12:37 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Still looking

  3. #3
    Headmaster Grouse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Are there no Korean restaurants round your way?
    Tao begets one. One begets two. Two begets all things.

  4. #4

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Not funny at all. In fact pretty pathetic that comment

  5. #5
    Headmaster Grouse's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Please yerself.
    Tao begets one. One begets two. Two begets all things.

  6. #6
    Headmaster Grouse's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Nothing's sacred on here.
    Tao begets one. One begets two. Two begets all things.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Hey Grouse

    I know most things can be said on a forum setting as basically very few of us know one another but that was prtty harsh comment in response to a pretty heart felt message. giving your dog away must be a pretty tricky and emotional thing to do. given the may hem in my house most mornings i'd probably rather give my children away...(dont mean it, they are lovely little devils really!!
    best wishes to yer LLK and hope a good home is found.

  8. #8
    Master Rob Furness's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    In fairness, Grouse normally posts witty comments and I'm sure no harm was meant by it.

  9. #9
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Western Peak District

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Quote Originally Posted by Yorkshire Rob View Post
    In fairness, Grouse normally posts witty comments and I'm sure no harm was meant by it.
    Pitfalls of posting at ten to twelve on a Friday night?

  10. #10
    Headmaster Grouse's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Dog looking for new home .

    Oh come on I've got a dog. Kev made it clear that he would not give the dog away unless he was sure that it was going to a loving home, if that had not been the case then I would certainly not have posted that comment, I suppose it's not tue that absolutely nothing's sacred; I realise the comment was very near the knuckle and I have considered a few times wether to remove the post and decided and decided not to but if it has caused offence to anybody then I apologise and would be quite happy to remove it.
    Tao begets one. One begets two. Two begets all things.

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