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Thread: Hip pain

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Hip pain

    Hello, I've had some pain in my left hip for almost three weeks now. It started the day after a gentle 7 mile run over Pendle hill, followed by a 10 mile walk over the same. I don't remember twisting sharply or doing anything to provoke an injury but the next day when I ran I had a niggling pain in my left hip. It was pretty mild at first so I carried on running about every second day. Then last Sun. it got noticeably worse so I laid off for four days. It seemed better when I was walking about so I did a gentle run this morning but now it's really sore again - can feel it all the time when walking, is definitely painful going upstairs or anything mildly stressful, is even noticeable when sitting if I don't sit dead straight (i.e. if I cross my legs or twist my torso). The pain is on the side of the hip bone at the top (but I don't think it's the bone itself that's a problem, more perhaps a tendon?). It's pretty tender if a press that spot, but only on a pretty small area.
    Anyone any ideas? I'm assuming it's just going to be a matter of taking a longer time off, but would be happy if anyone has other ideas.
    (p.s. please don't suggest I see a G.P./physio as I'm now in semi-rural Africa for a couple of months ! - but would like to keep running.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Hip pain

    I suspect it is this:

    I am assuming the pain/tenderness is over your greater trochanter, rather than over your iliac bone. The usual treatment is relative rest, stretching all structures around the hips and if really necessary NSAIDS.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Hip pain

    Thanks for this. I think my description must have been anatomically incorrect (I only did O level biology and that many years ago so it's all fuzzy to me). I've never heard of trochanters and iliac bones but looking at the article you sent and various links from there I'd say it is the iliac crest that is affected. Wearing "low waisted/hipster" trousers the belt sits right over the sore part, if such an unscientific description clarifies anything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Hip pain

    It would help to have an accurate description of the site of pain - If you have a tape measure put it at belt level and measure your circumference - and with zero at the front in the middle, how far around is the tender spot. Is it actually on or below the iliac crest? And which movements hurt the most - if you lie on your back and lift your leg does it hurt?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: Hip pain

    The easy answer first: measuring round the belt line of these trousers is 83cm (approx., only a metal tape measure). The painful spot is 21cm to the left, i.e. directly on the side, as though I'd been hit precisely side-on.
    Iliac crest, maybe not quite if I understand the diagram correctly, in that it is/was sore to the touch when I press it from the side not the top - but the sore spot is pretty near the top. I'm stuggling to be very precise because it's a lot less painful to the touch today than yesterday (I've been sitting in a bus for 12 hours so I suppose not done much to aggravate it) and also it seems to move around a bit in the sense that, having just jogged up and down the corridor it's aching very mildly and when I'm sitting in seems slightly more to the front than when I'm standing.
    Lying on my back and lifting my leg doesn't cause any pain at all, either with the knee bent or straight but swinging the leg rightwards across my body (when lying) does hurt a little when the leg is straight but not if the knee is bent (though just crossing my legs when seated was uncomfortable yesterday).
    I didn't analyse when the pain was occurring very precisely when running yesterday but I think there was a fairly sharp pain with each left footfall (presumably just the impact) and a duller ache with each push off. Going up and down stairs can be pretty painful and the greatest pain today has been getting in and out of the (mini-)buses which involves both a high step up/down, usually while twisting and ducking at the same time. That really hurt!
    I can stand on my left leg only with no increase in the constant mild pain level and can bend at both waist and hips without problem but if (standing on the left leg) I then also bend the left knee, as if going into a squat, the pain increases noticeably when the knee gets to about the 25 degree point and is also noticeable if a lean to the right.
    Last edited by Latege; 14-05-2011 at 09:32 PM. Reason: typos

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Hip pain

    Try here: - look under gluteus medius syndrome/trochanteric bursitis and see if it fits. The muscle at the top of the iliotibial band (ITB) is also pretty close to where your pain is - it is called tensor fascia lata. I suspect whatever it is ITB stretches would benefit.

  7. #7
    Senior Member zephr's Avatar
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    Re: Hip pain

    I'd agree with MikeT and say it sounds very much like Gluteus Medius. wouldnt like to say exactly what youve done to it, it may be a myofascial pain syndrome, it couple be bursitis...
    rest, ice (if you can get hold of it), and maybe foam rollering (or a 2 litre coke bottle- still pressurised, with a towel wrapped around it...) might do the trick.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2011

    Re: Hip pain

    Thanks to you both. As best I understand the article it certainly sounds like one of the two, probably Gluteus medius syndrome. So it looks like I'm on rest and stretching for a while. Any idea how long it might take? Thanks for the tip about the coke bottle. Don't usually buy the stuff but I will do for once. I can get ice for a couple days more before I head down country so will make maximum use of it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Hip pain

    So much for NHS direct this is a much better service!

  10. #10
    Senior Member crowhill's Avatar
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    Re: Hip pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Latege View Post
    Thanks to you both. As best I understand the article it certainly sounds like one of the two, probably Gluteus medius syndrome. So it looks like I'm on rest and stretching for a while. Any idea how long it might take? Thanks for the tip about the coke bottle. Don't usually buy the stuff but I will do for once. I can get ice for a couple days more before I head down country so will make maximum use of it.
    Did you get this sorted?
    And did you find out what it is?

    I have watched this thread with interest. I have a similar pain right on the outside of the pelvis/hip. I'm not sure if it's the pelvis, but if I wear my trousers "normally" (unlike Simon Cowell) the pain is right where my belt sits on the bone that is also the one that moves when I walk. I've been able to train and race with it for the last few months but it's getting more and more sore as the weeks roll by and I'm having to do a lot less - no long races and I can't run on consecutive days. I'm having NHS physio, but the stretches and acupuncture are not working (yet). The physio also isn't sure what it really is - hence my questions on here.

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