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Thread: What is wrong with me?

  1. #1

    Angry What is wrong with me?

    Ever since I did the calderdale leg 1 I haven't been feeling right (maybe thats what fellrunning does for you..!) My strength is ok because I did a hill rep session last week and it was hard- but I didn't feel I was not running 'properly'.

    Over a longer distance though my lungs and legs feel tight and weak.
    I was running better than I had done for a long time before this happened.
    Has anyone else experienced this?
    Is it over training? I was training constantly up to this point, but not really overdoing it.
    For around a month now I have rested-taken it quite easy.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    Perhaps you just need to do a race to push yourself to get out of a rut

  3. #3
    I did run at weekend in the lancs champs xc at witton it was a hard course about 7miles and muddy.
    My breathing felt shallow- it felt like the supply lines had been cut! I couldn't push myself past a certain pace.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    The Cotswolds
    I've felt the same. I was running well up to Christmas and then faded with the same symptoms. A running mate of mine went to the docs with the same and was told the damp cold winter air was to blame and was given the usual antibiotics. I rested for a week and i'm starting to feel better again. Rest or the doctor? Your choice......

  5. #5

    Re: What is wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bish View Post
    My breathing felt shallow- it felt like the supply lines had been cut! I couldn't push myself past a certain pace.
    It sounds like you've picked up one of the bugs that have been going round. Lots of people have been ill over the Christmas period. Take it easy for a couple of weeks and you'll probably be fine.

  6. #6

    Re: What is wrong with me?

    Did you have a virus that you trained through a little while ago? Be very careful if so I learnt the hard way and had 6 months+ of not running well as a result.
    And also is your taking it easy really easy; I assume that it probably is not especially to someone who doesn't run.

  7. #7

    Re: What is wrong with me?

    LMH is suffering the same. Going well before Xmas, rested over Xmas, got a new PB at Llyn Llydaw then has spent the last week or so able to run but the breathing seems ineffective and stamina is a bit down (even at his low speeds). Reduced volume/toughness of running and careful resting seems to be beating the problem. Seems like a 'hidden' cold, no symptoms but some negative effects.

    Being of superior breeding I just don't suffer such feebleness.

    Got to go, seen some wheezing sheep........

  8. #8
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    Re: What is wrong with me?

    Been loads of 'bugs' about - I've suffered all December. I think many of them (throats, colds, coughs, stomach etc.) may not have dreadfull symptoms at the time - you can go to work through them, but the actual virus (or whatever) remains in the body and takes quite a while to shift. This can drag you down and feel as you do, about 70% of normal.
    I have found the only answer to be rest, and if you do excersise (run or walk) to make sure you drop back as soon as you start to labour and sweat up, keep it easy. I do loads of stretching and gentle walking and jogging, weights at home to keep limbs functioning but without stressing the lungs.
    I have never had a GP agree to prescribe antibiotics, they always told me the same thing 'it's just a virus, rest and it will go away'.
    Don't roll with a pig in poo. You get covered in poo and the pig likes it.

  9. #9
    Master NotOnUrHelly's Avatar
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    Re: What is wrong with me?


    Im exactly the same, I have been feeling rough since just before christmas. I feel fine when not doing exercise (at work) its when I start to exert my body even slighty that I suffer. I cant breath, the legs wont go and I have even had to cut runs short to go to the loo.

    Thing is after an unsuccessful run, I think to myself well that run went a bit better than the last. Ill give it about 3 days and I should be fine. I have 3 days off and before the the run im feeling fine and think yep I feel okay but I'll take this run easy and not rush back.

    I set off and it happens again, very frustrating.

    This has been going on for about 25 days now. I have had about 7 runs all very slow short runs and felt crap.

    I just cant seem to shake it, I have helsby half marathon a week on sunday its not looking good.

    Keep me posted on how your feeling

  10. #10

    Re: What is wrong with me?

    Still not feelin great, the short reps are no problem -the longer stuff tho I feel I am pushing my body too hard even though the pace is quite slow.
    I'm pretty sure I have a virus and that i'm going to have to rest even more than I have been -take some more weeks off and do no running whatsoever.
    I was in the same situation last year and It took a couple of months, I never learn though!!

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