Whilst I'm capable of using a map properly, a lot of the time I rely on instinct. This is usually pretty accurate but has been known to go fairly wrong at times. My nav method when running is - 1] when following rights of way I stop often and make sure I'm on the right route (more because I don't want to trespass than anything else) - 2] when on open access land I strike an almost direct line to where I'm heading unless there's an obvious problem with that (such as a cliff) and adapt my route depending on terrain as I go. I rely usually on line of sight or a very rough compass bearing in the general direction I want to go and nothing more than that. I'm confident that in poor situations I could navigate much more accurately but I so far haven't really needed to. I'm getting a lot better at it but the best way to learn is simply to plot a rough route over serious terrain and get out there and do it. If it's an area you're not overly familiar with then all the better.