It would be worth getting a doctor to look at it whilst its red Adnan in case they can identify the rash.

My Lyme Disease test showed up as negative but we still don't know what's wrong with my knee. It swelled up massively coinciding with a load of insect bites and a bladder infection (could be coincidence or could be relevant as its a sign of reactive arthritis). It didn't hurt, just felt numb, and then about 36 hours later it was agony and I ended up in hospital. I haven't run for 4 weeks now as I can barely walk. The swelling has reduced a lot but the pain is still awful at times and it reduced me to tears when I tried to walk the dogs this morning which isn't like me, I'm normally pretty stoical. I'm controlling it with ibuprofen and paracetamol and am waiting for an MRI scan but my gp thinks its reactive arthritis (my consultant doesn't but he also lied about my blood tests so I don't trust him). I'm fed up but am going to try and get referred to a rheumatologist. It could still be due to Lyme as the tests sometimes come up as negative when they are positive but I haven't had any other symptoms (flu like , lack of energy etc) so its probably not.

I also think its really weird that Stolly and I have both ended up in hospital with inflammatory syndromes within a couple months of each other having been totally healthy for years. Its hard not to think they might be connected.