I've currently two separate problems with my feet which I'd appreciate advice for.

1. Pain in the rear part of the sole of my right foot. It's mostly a dull persistent pain at its worst when walking or standing but very noticeable even when sitting if I have any weight on that part of the foot. Less of a problem when running but that's presumably due to the greater cushioning in my running shoes and the fact that most of my running on sandy tracks (as opposed to thin rubber flip-flops on hard tile floors). It's worse after a (long) run and sometimes slightly swollen (I think - not easy to see). I'm guessing it may be related to Achilles tendon issues that I've been battling for around four months (being kept at bay by heel drops, stretching and ice). Both the Achilles tendon and the sore part of the foot are stiff first thing in the morning and if I sit for long periods. I've had the pain since early Jan. For the last few days it I've been getting something similar in the right foot too, but not yet so persistent.

2. ... Maybe I should make this a separate post..

Any advice will be appreciated,
