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Thread: Borrowdale Fell Race 2017

  1. #21
    Senior Member RaceTheSweeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthonykay View Post
    Hope he recovers in time to complete the 50@50. What's he going to replace Borrowdale with ? Peris Horseshoe?
    Salt Cellar on Friday night haha. He is on race 27 now and is over 4,000 meters in credit so he has a little breathing room :-) We love the Lakes though and he has been really looking forward to Borrowdale. Salt Cellar is ok ... Borrowdale is not ;-) He would love to do Peris this year but he has too many big races around it. Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, Langdale Horseshoe. I'm surprised he is being so sensible! He is still having a lot of fun and sees this as a blip rather than a problem. Enjoy the race. See you on the hills soon.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Fozzy42's Avatar
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    Was fearing the worst but weather looks pretty good for tomorrow's race, thankfully.

  3. #23
    Senior Member RaceTheSweeper's Avatar
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    Good luck tomorrow everyone. No one has requested MrRTS place. I did look for an e-mail for the RO to let them know that Nigel Jeff is not running. There is no e-mail and I would not bother them with a phone call. I don't suppose it matters but if anyone is hanging around tomorrow at the Registration hoping to run please give them Nigel's place.
    Not sure what it required but think just his name, Club and DOB will be enough.
    Nigel Jeff
    Buxton AC
    14/03/67 (50)
    Have a super day and stay safe everyone. We will see you all soon I'm sure.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Manhar's Avatar
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    Good luck folks, go smash it Fozzy.
    This BG round & the training therein is dedicated to the fond memory of Daz H - there is no such word as can't.

  5. #25
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Very tough day out today.

    Really is a race that has everything, and it just keeps coming at you.

    Found the going a bit tougher than last year. Was 6 minutes slower (4:55) although I suspect that is more to do with fatigue and just not running well, rather than any excuses about the terrain. Think I need a decent rest before a busy September.

    Hello to all the forumites I spoke to... TrevorM, Daz Tindersticks, Bill Fell-Up-Fell-Down.

    Special mention to Calvin who we had a ding-dong battle for pretty much the whole race, with me pulling out a bit of a gap on the climbs and Calvin looking stronger in the rest of it. If it wasn't for a difference in route choice coming down off Grey Knotts, which allowed me to pull a slight gap, could have been an interesting sprint finish! Although we were slightly overshadowed by FellUpFellDown clattering past everyone on the way down through the slate mine! Great running.

    Just saw the results and splits. The athletes at the front are unbelievable.... Scafell Pike to Sty Head in 15 mins...!?!


  6. #26
    Senior Member Fozzy42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manhar View Post
    Good luck folks, go smash it Fozzy.
    Haha cheers Manhar, the only thing smashed is my legs.

    Found it tough today, but really enjoyable. So much for the supposed fine weather, actually once the race started it was fine, but an hour before the start the heavens opened, I was sat in my car thinking Jeez, this is gonna be bleak. But thankfully it all passed for the race itself.

    I need to get my arse into gear if i'm ever gonna finish in the top half of the field, as it is I often feel way out of my depth, especially the descents, coming down down like a right fairy. But loved the scree run down to the corridor route, ace. Nearly came a cropper a couple of times but nothing serious, and thankfully live to fight another day, I'll be back, hopefully better prepared.

    Good to chat with Tindersticks in the field afterwards, its not often you get chance to stand in the middle of a soggy field in The Lakes and chat about heavy metal bands, good stuff!

  7. #27
    Senior Member CalFerguson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Travs View Post
    Very tough day out today.

    Really is a race that has everything, and it just keeps coming at you.

    Found the going a bit tougher than last year. Was 6 minutes slower (4:55) although I suspect that is more to do with fatigue and just not running well, rather than any excuses about the terrain. Think I need a decent rest before a busy September.

    Hello to all the forumites I spoke to... TrevorM, Daz Tindersticks, Bill Fell-Up-Fell-Down.

    Special mention to Calvin who we had a ding-dong battle for pretty much the whole race, with me pulling out a bit of a gap on the climbs and Calvin looking stronger in the rest of it. If it wasn't for a difference in route choice coming down off Grey Knotts, which allowed me to pull a slight gap, could have been an interesting sprint finish! Although we were slightly overshadowed by FellUpFellDown clattering past everyone on the way down through the slate mine! Great running.

    Just saw the results and splits. The athletes at the front are unbelievable.... Scafell Pike to Sty Head in 15 mins...!?!

    Well done mate, didn't expect a battle that close with anybody on a race like Borrowdale! My route choice off Grey Knotts was poor, think it was laziness more than anything as I knew I should've been further right...similar as off Dale Head, I was too far right and it cost me a minute or two again.

    Calvin Ferguson - Blackburn Harriers & AC

  8. #28
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CalFerguson View Post
    Well done mate, didn't expect a battle that close with anybody on a race like Borrowdale! My route choice off Grey Knotts was poor, think it was laziness more than anything as I knew I should've been further right...similar as off Dale Head, I was too far right and it cost me a minute or two again.
    All credit mate, you pushed me hard. I was looking anxiously back on the final descent waiting for you to come past! I only really relaxed when I hit the slate mine and saw I had a reasonable gap...

    You seemed to go more direct to the top of Grey Knotts, whilst i hung out left, taking a longer but probably easier route.

    Although I do wonder if it might be better to go the left-hand side of Brandreth as well. The route on the PB map, and the route we took, goes to the right of Brandreth and involves a bit of re-ascent (assuming we took the best line, which could be doubtful!)...... but I went left of Brandreth in the 10 Peaks race and I'm sure that although a few hundred metres longer, it was pretty much downhill all the way from Green Gable to Honister, and easy terrain...

  9. #29
    Senior Member Fozzy42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martyn P View Post
    Looks like there is a special treat in store this year: There's a dead sheep right next to the trod as you traverse around Rosthwaite Fell, more or less due East of Dovenest Top. It's hard to avoid and already getting smelly, I imagine it will be terrible by race day :-)
    Yep saw that, not much left of it, surprising not much smell. Not that I hung around sniffing it but ya know what I mean.

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