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Thread: Left bundle branch block

  1. #1

    Left bundle branch block

    Found out last year I have left bundle branch block,worked out I am running a minute a mile slower than normal,has anybody else experienced this or know anything about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    What was the context in which you found out? Any history of heart attack/angina/blood pressure/diabetes/smoking?
    Definitely Left and not Right? On any drugs?

  3. #3
    had a crap run,20 mins slower than normal,had blood tests everything ok,had a ecg,thats when the left branch bundle came up,not run well since,not on any drugs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    LBBB - diagnosed by machine, GP, or a specialist? Assuming the ECG has been interpreted correctly, the obvious question is why do you have this, and to answer that further tests would normally be done - a CXR and an echocardiogram as starters. Does your GP have plans for these?

  5. #5
    doctor picked it up with ecg got refered to a specialist who gave me a dobutamine stress echo cardiogram and confirmed lbbb,told I can carry on running,but its slowing me down big time

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    What was the explanation given for the LBBB? - it does not just "happen" - there will be a cause, and it may be tied in with your reduced running performance.

  7. #7
    no explanation,maybe born with it?never had a ecg before,so don't know if I have just acquired it or always had it?did overtrain last year and ran a race with a sore throat,already had 2 colds last year so didn't expect a 3rd one so did the race,struggled ever since

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    It sounds like they have excluded the causes of LBBB that they would need to do something about, such as a narrowed coronary artery, a sticky/leaking valve, high blood pressure, various sorts of heart muscle disease, and a very slow heart rate. It would be uncommon to be born with this, and if so it would almost always be associated with some sort of structural heart disease - sticky/leaking valves and so on.
    But they have not answered the question, or more specifically revealed to you, why you have this.

  9. #9
    yes I think I will try to get to the bottom of it,will try and go down a specialist route if the doctors arn't interested,or don't know what to do,if not will just have to retire from racing

  10. #10
    waiting for my doctor to give me a referral? to see if I get anymore help,might take a while?it might not get approved ?

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