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Thread: Cloud 9 Fell Race - 1st March 2020

  1. #1

    Cloud 9 Fell Race - 1st March 2020

    Cloud 9 Fell Race is back open for business. The online entry is now active and places are selling fast so get in early if you want to take part in this fabulous race as race places are limited.

    When is it? As ever, it’s the first Sunday in March, so this year it’s 1st March 2020.

    What’s new? Well this year we are using chip timing for the first time. We have also altered the course slightly. Don’t worry, the distance remains the same as all we have done is take advantage of a new bit of footpath to eliminate a short section of road running from the course. There are even rumours of drone coverage (weather and availability permitting).

    What’s the same? Still 9 miles of stunning scenery from the top of Bosley Cloud, free parking, fantastic marshalling cheering every runner on, free soup and roll at the end, superb cakes on sale in the sports hall and a donation to the National Trust who look after the Cloud. Go on, you know you want to enter!

    Please remember it is at the end of the winter season so weather conditions could be challenging which is why we insist on full kit being carried as per FRA rules. For safety reasons there is also a cut-off time of 60 minutes for runners at approximately 4 miles. If you are not sure that is within your capabilities please consider carefully entering the race as it will be enforced.

    The Harriers are looking forward to seeing you all in March for 33rd outing of this popular

  2. #2
    Moderator noel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Western Peak District
    It's ages since I did this one. Maybe I should give it a go again. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    Apart from the horrible drive down and back up the A54 to and from Congleton it was a great day.

    I last did this race on St David's Day 2020, when Covid was still believed to be a bit of flu rather than the nightmare that it turned out to be.

    With the Congleton Sports Centre being closed for major refurbishment the Race HQ was at Berisford's, a large redbrick mill/factory nearby. The loading bay was the area used for registration but nothing about it gave a clue as to what went on there. My enquiry with the lady in charge of the two Burco boilers revealed that they manufacture Ribbons. Yes, those things that girls, and some boys, wear in their hair and can also be found at marathon finish lines and hanging off the handles of the FA Cup. So if you require ribbons make sure you get them from Berisfords as they support Fell Running!

    On a glorious Spring day a good turnout of 281 souls set of on the 9 miles and 1,247 feet run which included a picturesque visit to the The Cloud. A mixture of trail, waterlogged fields and a little moorland up near the TP. I didn't feel as if I was going too well and was nicely surprised to finish 32nd O/A and 1st MV60, 3 minutes quicker and 16 places better than my 2020 effort.

    The A54 from The Cat and Fiddle to Congleton must be the worst A road in the UK. Don't ever go there on a bike!

    Just seen a photograph of the 2020 event and noticed that my Race No was 105 in both races. Spooky or what!
    Last edited by Llani Boy; 07-03-2022 at 12:03 AM.
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

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