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  • Mike T's Avatar
    Today, 02:02 PM
    10.26 miles, 3,099 feet, 3 hours 16 minutes: Rothay Bridge - Clappersgate - Fishgarths Wood - Todd Crag - Lily Tarn - Loughrigg top - race descent to...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    Today, 09:37 AM
    Leg 4 relays recce with some wharfedalers last night led by Ted. Easily the most technical of the short legs, starting with a brutal climb out of the...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:51 PM
    Mike T replied to a thread Today's Sally in General chat!
    I raised the Porta-gym up onto four 9 inch plastic stools so it was high enough - just - for me to do chin-ups/pull-ups using the handles. 20 singles...
    987 replies | 511381 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:32 PM
    10.08 miles, 2,928 feet, 3 hours 19 minutes: Wansfell Pike twice, the first time from the Skelghyll Woods' side, the second time going up to the true...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    24-09-2024, 05:31 PM
    Mike T replied to a thread Today's Sally in General chat!
    Pull-ups in the back plank position, using the handles/straps on my Porta-gym. So in the up position my weight is on my heels and on the handles. 5...
    987 replies | 511381 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    24-09-2024, 01:21 PM
    11.1 miles, 3,063 feet, 3 hours 34 minutes: Rothay Bridge to Silver How and back, going to Loughrigg top both ways. Sunshine, blue sky, and lots of...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    23-09-2024, 05:53 PM
    Mike T replied to a thread Today's Sally in General chat!
    Press-ups, one arm, on knees, with 5kg backpack, alternating arms, session lasted 30 minutes. R: 6 - 8 - 7 - 7 - 6. L: 7 - 7 - 6 - 6 - 6.
    987 replies | 511381 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    23-09-2024, 02:15 PM
    10.21 miles, 3,263 feet, 3 hours 34 minutes: Wansfell Pike from 2 sides, including up the race route steps to the Pike, down to the upper part of...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    23-09-2024, 10:55 AM
    Great. If you get any niggles or soreness lingering around your knee, try rubbing comfrey oil. It's particularly effective on connective tissue...
    14 replies | 34991 view(s)
  • Jim's Avatar
    22-09-2024, 03:28 PM
    Jim replied to a thread Knee replacements and running in Injuries
    Thornthwaite, what a little gem. Great organization by Keswick and hosts St Mary's Church. I came first last and kept telling the sweeper to go...
    14 replies | 34991 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    22-09-2024, 01:20 PM
    10.51 miles, 2,971 feet, 3 hours 18 minutes: Rothay Bridge - Miller Bridge - Low Sweden Bridge - rock step - High Sweden Bridge - Scandale - Red...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • Llani Boy's Avatar
    22-09-2024, 10:28 AM
    Llani Boy replied to a thread Great Whernside in Races
    :rolleyes: Shows what I know about cars! Still looked :cool: though
    472 replies | 164320 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    22-09-2024, 09:45 AM
    mr brightside replied to a thread Great Whernside in Races
    Golf? I couldn't afford a golf, not even one without an engine. It's a 2F Polo GT Coupe.
    472 replies | 164320 view(s)
  • Llani Boy's Avatar
    21-09-2024, 10:48 PM
    Llani Boy replied to a thread Great Whernside in Races
    Nice to meet you too Luke and also Graham and his Celeste Bianchi. A great race and well worth the 200 mile round trip. Joanne thought you...
    472 replies | 164320 view(s)
  • Llani Boy's Avatar
    21-09-2024, 10:32 PM
    I'm planning to do the champs races but won't be doing the local league.
    65 replies | 52041 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    21-09-2024, 05:38 PM
    Mike T replied to a thread Today's Sally in General chat!
    Chin-ups, pairs, 15 sets, with 4kg in my backpack, session took 40 minutes.
    987 replies | 511381 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    21-09-2024, 05:34 PM
    mr brightside replied to a thread Great Whernside in Races
    The early line off right towards the far cairns above hag dike is not, I repeat, not on. It wouldn't be on for a top runner like Ian Holmes, it...
    472 replies | 164320 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    21-09-2024, 02:16 PM
    14.58 miles, 2,681 feet, 4 hours 16 minutes: Rothay Bridge in Ambleside to Lingmoor Fell top and back, going via Bog Lane, Skelwith Bridge, High Park...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    21-09-2024, 07:33 AM
    2059 replies | 588796 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    21-09-2024, 07:32 AM
    mr brightside replied to a thread Litton Birks Loop in Races
    Aah, the forumite formerly known as stolly.
    15 replies | 11771 view(s)
  • Travs's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 07:58 PM
    Travs replied to a thread Cross Country 2023-24 in Other Races
    Are you doing XC this year Llani? Possibly a couple of shorter relays in October.... might miss the Mansfield National Relays in Nov ....then...
    65 replies | 52041 view(s)
  • Llani Boy's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 06:33 PM
    Thanks WP
    65 replies | 52041 view(s)
  • MattPo's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 05:33 PM
    MattPo replied to a thread Litton Birks Loop in Races
    That’s great news and I agree with you that removing the run round the top is a real shame. Not sure I’ll be able to do it, but will try. Hope we...
    15 replies | 11771 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 02:12 PM
    12.14 miles, 3,055 feet, 3 hours 21 minutes: Rothay Bridge - Roman Ruins - Borrans Park - Stagshaw Gardens - Champion Tree Trail - High Skelghyll -...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
  • Witton Park's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 01:46 PM
    You can't LLani and not sure you ever could in a National. We had this with Bowland following the rule change about 8 years ago and you have to be EA...
    65 replies | 52041 view(s)
  • Llani Boy's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 12:28 PM
    Does anyone on here know that if a runner, not a member of an EA affiliated running club but a member of the FRA, is eligible to run in the County...
    65 replies | 52041 view(s)
  • Llani Boy's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 11:57 AM
    Llani Boy replied to a thread The Masters Lounge in General chat!
    Yes. Entry is temporarily closed for the 3 last races in the series. AVTiming was used initially for the series entry/chip timing but the results...
    2059 replies | 588796 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 07:00 AM
    mr brightside replied to a thread Litton Birks Loop in Races It's on again, but the route seems to have been shortened for some...
    15 replies | 11771 view(s)
  • mr brightside's Avatar
    20-09-2024, 06:56 AM
    Does anyone, maybe LB, know if you can enter the Litton Xmas Cracker without entering the limestone series?
    2059 replies | 588796 view(s)
  • Mike T's Avatar
    19-09-2024, 01:27 PM
    10.6 miles, 2,861 feet, 3 hours 17 minutes: Rothay Bridge - Miller Bridge - Low Sweden Bridge - rock step - High Sweden Bridge - Scandale - Red...
    3241 replies | 1394330 view(s)
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