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Thread: Pennine Bridleway Relay

  1. #891
    Senior Member Lefty's Avatar
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    Dec 2009
    Rossendale, Lancashire

    Re: Pennine Bridleway Relay

    As a runner I fully agree with the sentiments expressed by Fellhound, many of us enjoy some of the added risks that come with our sport, hurtling down a tricky fellside, battling with the elements or thrashing around thinking you know where you are on some remote clag bound mountainside. As an organiser though you have to think slightly differently. Whilst the legal side of your actions as an organiser most probably doesnt enter the equation ( although I did consult with a personal injury lawyer this last week who gave me some usefull advice !) its more on the moral side and having to think about the safety of others, some who may be less experienced than most. Having observed copius amounts of blood on a famous Lady fell runners gashed open chin last year after she slipped on ice and accounts of several other serious injuries in the event including broken legs, it is upsetting and somehow you take it personally, its you that is organising the race and someone has injured themselves in your race. Checking the route out this week I was certainly torn between my wanting to have the race with the extra challenge the conditions would bring or opting for the play safe the end with my Organisers head on, play safe wins every time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fellhound View Post
    First of all, don't take this as an attack on the organiser (it's not) but everyone assumes the above. Why are you "in the poo"? The organiser is organising an adventurous event over difficult terrain in winter conditions. All he needs to do is demonstrate he's taken all reasonable steps to make the event as safe as it can be, given it's nature. I the case of ice, the organiser only needs to make all runners aware of the conditions and the risk and perhaps recommend some precautions (eg orienteering shoes with metal dobs would massively reduce the risk). Don't have any? Well then, the decision on whether YOU should run or not is YOURS as an individual.

    All off-road events have hazards; hidden holes, rocks to trip over, slippery grass and mud. It's part of the game.

    If the current trend towards nannying and over-cautiousness continues it will be the death of organised fell-races and then all we'll have left will be unofficial 'underground' events...... actually that might not be a bad thing.

    PS - I work as a Safety Advisor....

  2. #892
    Senior Member saz's Avatar
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    Re: Pennine Bridleway Relay

    As I think, the said runner with a gashed chin, relaying the story again was never meant in any way personally other than to fully support Lefty and his decision

    And I agree, I was lucky, once the fairies had disapeared from around my head I was able to run on and finish, had I not it would have been another call out for mountain rescue - I knew there was ice there, I think have a resaonable amount of experience, I was not taking risks, just unluckily hit the ice wrong. The potential consequence of it going very wrong would have impacted on others in terms of having to be helped off the hill - and thats why I think Lefty was spot on with his call - even more so today having taken an off road running group and struggled to find suitable un iced hills to practice on...


  3. #893
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Pennine Bridleway Relay

    Just wondering if there's a date for next year yet?

  4. #894
    Senior Member Lefty's Avatar
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    Rossendale, Lancashire

    Re: Pennine Bridleway Relay

    For numerous reasons, far too many to mention here the Pennine Bridleway Relay will no longer be held. Thanks to everyone for your support in the past.

  5. #895

    Re: Pennine Bridleway Relay

    This is very sad news. Our club loved this event and thought the world of it. Seems calderdale is the only local relay left!
    Oh when the blues...go marching in...

  6. #896
    Master DazTheSlug's Avatar
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    Re: Pennine Bridleway Relay

    also very sorry to hear this
    one of the few events that would accept a Fell Ponies team
    Scramble the rock face through the glare of morning sun — to run

  7. #897
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Pennine Bridleway Relay

    Shocking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The calderdale relay doesn't even come close to this event, this WAS by far my favourite.

    Sad sad news :thunbdown:

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