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Thread: Runner abuse

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ze Monsta's Avatar
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    Runner abuse

    Occasionally while running through town (sometimes at pub closing time) I will cop some friendly abuse from some wag who thinks that he's the first to shout 'run! Forrest, run!' or '118! 118!'
    A more hopeful drunkard shouted 'Oy y'c**t, c'mere', before swinging a punch at mid air and nearly knocking himself off his feet. I chuckled to think that he really expected me to 'c'mere' and stand still while he took aim.
    The abuse usually isn't too imaginitive, as they've been taken by surprise and haven't had time to formulate a pithy Dorothy Parker-esque putdown by the time you've swished past into the night.
    Runner abuse surely isn't something that just happens to me, anybody else experienced it? and anybody had any really inventive abuse thrown their way?
    Last edited by Ze Monsta; 31-08-2011 at 11:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Sam Harrison's Avatar
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    Re: Runner abuse

    Yeah I've suffered a fair bit of runner abuse, being a guy with long hair definitely doesn't help matters! Once had a guy shout something out his car window, in doing so losing control of the car, driving into a curb and bursting his front tire - brilliant!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ze Monsta's Avatar
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    Re: Runner abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Harrison View Post
    Yeah I've suffered a fair bit of runner abuse, being a guy with long hair definitely doesn't help matters! Once had a guy shout something out his car window, in doing so losing control of the car, driving into a curb and bursting his front tire - brilliant!
    That's karma!:w00t:

  4. #4
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    Re: Runner abuse

    The silliest I had was on Halloween - someone silly boy decided to try to shock me as I was running past, but I hadn't really twigged it was halloween or what he was doing so he got a reflexive push/punch. It wasn't a proper punch, but I suspect it shocked him considerably more than me! Did have someone try to stand in front of me and pretend to be a goalie once. They were quite a bit bigger than me - most people are - but I was going quite fast. They blinked first The only two that really annoyed me was when someone sprayed a can of beer out of a car over me, and when an approaching car failed to move out on a country road (I think due to failure to engage brain more than malevolence...) causing me to to jump off the road.

    Karma is what happened to my brother when learning to drive. A guy overtook him in the next lane, leaning out the window berating him for something or other. He was still leaning out the window when he hit the car in front.

  5. #5
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Re: Runner abuse

    I passed CL once in a race - it sounded like he shouted after me "what the hell are you on? I'll have you for it, I know what you are taking - it's Friij isn't it you cheating b*^&ard?"

  6. #6
    Master ba-ba's Avatar
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    Re: Runner abuse

    Was in a group who was on the receiving end of the much-more-intelligent-than-normal "If you'd set off earlier you wouldn't have had to run" from one of Sheffield's less salubrious watering holes. Unfortunately it took us 30secs until we came up with the repost "but at this speed we can be in and out of your missus before you're back!" and alas the moment was gone. Next time...

    We held an Urban Orienteering event in Sheffield city centre a couple of years back - pub revellers cheered the first few runners going past them (chasing start so high runner density) but then decided it was more fun to cob empty glasses instead. Thankfully everyone was too agile to get hit!

    I've had the odd case of scallies jumping at me but I just try to look athletic, not flinch or give them a wide berth if I'm expecting it.
    Nic Barber. Downhill Dandy

  7. #7
    Senior Member Ze Monsta's Avatar
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    Re: Runner abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    I passed CL once in a race - it sounded like he shouted after me "what the hell are you on? I'll have you for it, I know what you are taking - it's Friij isn't it you cheating b*^&ard?"
    Runner on runner abuse! forumite as well, no wonder it's inventive invective :sneaky:

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Runner abuse

    Only once and harmlessly (for me). I was on a winter road run near Penistone and a group of lads 'merry' were approaching I was running at night with a very handy German Shepherd (Blue- now sadly long gone) Blue was heeling to my left so I broke onto the road to allow the lads to take the pavement. Unfortunately one wag broke to my left raising his arms and exclaiming in mock horror. The mock bit didn't last long as Blue nearly took his arm off! Looking back briefly he was rolling in the road. Anyroad the last couple of miles were fast and irregular in route choice.(which was a bugger as I was nearly home)
    Last edited by Henry Porter; 01-09-2011 at 12:20 AM.

  9. #9
    Member Stuart's Avatar
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    Re: Runner abuse

    With my last club much of the training was around a housing estate. The most common occurrence was gangs of yoofs who would attempt to run alongside, thus proving their superior athletic prowess. If they were especially cocky they would run backwards alongside us, commenting how their gran could run quicker than us. They generally lasted about 30seconds or so before giving up, either through boredom or the need for a fag and a swig of White Lightning. Also had an empty (plastic) Lucozade bottle thrown at me from a car, but I never really understood the motivation behind this.

  10. #10
    Master L.F.F.'s Avatar
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    Re: Runner abuse

    More abuse from cars - water thrown from a car window as I was running along. Got the impression it was a group of kids thinking they were funny.

    Hard to be too mardy about it as I remember throwing animal feed from a car window on the way home from yearly trips to West Midlands Safari Park and thinking it was harmless fun. Probably not to the people getting monkey food scattered at their feet.

    Some good stories on here!

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