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Thread: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-Fib

  1. #31
    Senior Member Flopsy's Avatar
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandra View Post
    I do agree with your Dad that aspirin is also "dangerous" - I certainly didn't say it wasn't. I don't know that it is any MORE likely than Ibuprofen etc. to cause ulceration. I always took NSAIDs with meals, but that didn't save my insides from damage. I think there are several kinds of risk to consider here:

    1) A small risk of something really bad.
    2) A big risk of something not so bad.
    3) A big risk of something really bad.
    4) A small risk of something not so bad.
    5) Multiple risks.

    Each individual has to weigh these factors up for him/herself, and set them against the proposed benefit. It is clear that NSAIDs carry multiple risks. IMO the outcomes risked, including but not limited to, damage to the digestive system, arrhythmias and Alzheimers, are pretty bad. Mike will be better able than me to say how high the risk of each of these bad outcomes is. I think in the case of damage to the digestive system the risk is very high. Probably no-one yet knows how high the risk of Alzheimer's is.

    Of course agonising pain or disability may well make any risk seem worthwhile and people have to choose for themselves. I want it to be a choice made with open eyes.
    Don't misquote me Alexandra. Neither myself nor my dad said Asprin were 'dangerous'.

    I was prescribed Diclofenic by a gatro-intenstional specialist (amongst other specialists for other issues). Perhaps you'd like to tell him yourself that you consider his years of expertise to account for nothing as you know that this risk of NSAID's outweighs the benefits. He knows the risks, so do I, he still prescribes them and I still take them. And no he's not some old school doctor either as he also advises patients to pursue homepathic treatments etc.

    The medical profession is always in conflict over subjects. Medicine is an inexact science. Whilst I respect Mike T as a member of a profession that is well trained I also recognise that his opinions are his opinions and others in the medical profession will disagree with him and he with them. Therefore we have to take information on board and make our own opinons and choices.

    What I object is the way you says things as fact when in fact they are your opinion. Just becuase something happens to you doesn't mean it will happen to others.

    As to wanting to sensationalise your posts to grab attention, well I don't read the tabloids so I guess that style won't ever sit well with me. If your posts are worth reading then they'll be read. Sensationalise everything and that's what you'll be known for and you won't be taken seriously. That's just my opinion of course!! :wink:

  2. #32
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandra View Post
    Alas, the link doesn't work for me.
    Try this:

  3. #33
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    All a bit scary.

    Think I'll stick to Tramadol.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Flopsy's Avatar
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Oddly that link does nothing more than back up what I have said, if you read it right the way through. It says right at the end that it recognises the benefits of NSAID's. It is uncontrolled long term use that is the problem. Certainly when I was on them continuously for long periods I was also given another tablet to protect my stomach.

    As to the orginal subject of this thread that they cause AF, even that link says that the most signiifcant risk comes form GI problems not heart problems.

    Used responsibly NSAID's do have a place in the treatment of pain and inflammation. Don't ignore their existence just use them with respect.

  5. #35
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    Quote Originally Posted by Flopsy View Post
    Oddly that link does nothing more than back up what I have said, if you read it right the way through. It says right at the end that it recognises the benefits of NSAID's. It is uncontrolled long term use that is the problem. Certainly when I was on them continuously for long periods I was also given another tablet to protect my stomach.

    As to the orginal subject of this thread that they cause AF, even that link says that the most signiifcant risk comes form GI problems not heart problems.

    Used responsibly NSAID's do have a place in the treatment of pain and inflammation. Don't ignore their existence just use them with respect.
    Each person, armed with the appropriate information about NSAIDs, needs to make their own risk/benefit assessment. Those at higher risk of side effects include the elderly, women, those of light build, and those with other illnesses/on other medications. Most people who use NSAIDs come to no significant harm, but the occasional unlucky person does come to significant harm. Some people are more willing to accept the risk of side effects than others. Just because some NSAIDs are available without a prescription does not mean they are 100% safe - no drug is. Do read the information leaflet that comes with any drug - ideally before you buy it.

  6. #36
    Master Rob Furness's Avatar
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    Makes me wonder. I was on a high strength ibuprofen tablet for a while a few years ago from the gp when I had a bad back, I bet that didn't do my crohn's any favours......
    @Hill_Runner on twitter

  7. #37
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Furness View Post
    Makes me wonder. I was on a high strength ibuprofen tablet for a while a few years ago from the gp when I had a bad back, I bet that didn't do my crohn's any favours......
    NSAIDs are generally regarded as being contra-indicated in patients with Crohn's disease or Ulcerative Colitis, though there will be exceptions to this. They can exacerbate pre-existing disease, or "unmask" previously undiagnosed disease. Some patients with these diseases will have associated inflammatory arthritis, and careful use of the newer more selective NSAIDs may be of benefit.

  8. #38
    Master Alexandra's Avatar
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    Re: NEWS Ibuprofen causes A-F

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Furness View Post
    Makes me wonder. I was on a high strength ibuprofen tablet for a while a few years ago from the gp when I had a bad back, I bet that didn't do my crohn's any favours......
    Rob, reading this was the first time I realised you write a blog. I'm really enjoying it, doubly so as the races you do are so local to me. Am having to drag myself away from it this lunch-time - things to do! I do hope you'll continue to find the time to blog as well as run!
    Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.

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