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Thread: Cramp (in bed?)

  1. #1
    Master Alf's Avatar
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    Cramp (in bed?)

    With all the mileage and long races I have done this year with never a twinge of cramp I woke up this morning screaming the house down with a bad cramp in my right calf. My calf is now very sore and my annual trip to Borrowdale this weekend is now looking very doubtful :angry: My last run was at the weekend and was certainly not strenuous so I have no idea where the cramp came from?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Cramp (in bed?)

    sorry to hear about yr cramp - I've only ever had it out running. could you be dehydrated? all this heat could be a contributing factor.
    have a read of this:
    a bit of self massage, hydrating adequately and some RICE protocol application could help.

  3. #3
    Senior Member simgreen78's Avatar
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    Re: Cramp (in bed?)

    Unless you are a sleep runner, I thought cramp in bed was generally linked to dehydration too.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member martmason's Avatar
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    Re: Cramp (in bed?)

    Cramp in bed is associated with stretching or lack of according to my physio. Try stretching before bed to see if it helps. Coincidentally I also woke up with cramp in my left calf today, unfortunatley its in a cast cos my fibula is broken, so just had to ride it out........

  5. #5
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    For the second time within a year, I have had my sleep disturbed by cramp in the night after a fell race (despite not having had any cramp during the race or before I went to bed). Does anyone have anything add to the suggestions in earlier posts on this thread, i.e. dehydration as the cause, and stretching before bed as a possible prevention?
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthonykay View Post
    For the second time within a year, I have had my sleep disturbed by cramp in the night after a fell race (despite not having had any cramp during the race or before I went to bed). Does anyone have anything add to the suggestions in earlier posts on this thread, i.e. dehydration as the cause, and stretching before bed as a possible prevention?
    I never have cramp in bed after a race Anthony. The 4 or 5 pints of Real Ale probably helps!
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  7. #7
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    I often get cramp in bed - calves and feet, though it usually kicks in just as I'm waking up rather than when I'm actually asleep. I'm training myself not to stretch as I wake! It doesn't make a difference whether or how much I've been running, it's just random. Recently I've got sometimes got twinges even when just moving around the house, again often when stretching for some reason. Good hydration does seem to help but it's not the whole story - plenty of cramp when well hydrated. I've read that magnesium deficiency can contribute to cramp so I now try to keep up a good level and it has helped but not entirely resolved the problem. From what I've read, the experts say there's no single factor (and therefore no silver bullet) but a combination.
    Last edited by Latege; 23-03-2024 at 05:16 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by Latege View Post
    I often get cramp in bed - calves and feet, though it usually kicks in just as I'm waking up rather than when I'm actually asleep. I'm training myself not to stretch as I wake! It doesn't make a difference whether or how much I've been running, it's just random. Recently I've got sometimes got twinges even when just moving around the house, again often when stretching for some reason. Good hydration does seem to help but it's not the whole story - plenty of cramp when well hydrated. I've read that magnesium deficiency can contribute to cramp so I now try to keep up a good level and it has helped but not entirely resolved the problem. From what I've read, the experts say there's no single factor (and therefore no silver bullet) but a combination.
    Yes, I also get that cramp when I wake up and stretch myself, so I try to remember not to stretch. But the cramp that has woken me up in the night after a race is something very different.
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  9. #9
    Senior Member Don't fear the sweeper's Avatar
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    I had cramp in my thigh, calf, foot (2 places), and hand regularly after my Simvastatin dose was doubled. After some googling I asked the doc if I could change to Rosuvastatin and now I cramp only a couple of times a week.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don't fear the sweeper View Post
    I had cramp in my thigh, calf, foot (2 places), and hand regularly after my Simvastatin dose was doubled. After some googling I asked the doc if I could change to Rosuvastatin and now I cramp only a couple of times a week.
    I saw lots of aches and pains from statins in my time, but I cannot recall anyone complaining of cramp. From your googling, is cramp mainly associated with simvastatin, or is rosuvastatin just a gentler statin with fewer side effects, but also fewer intended effects?

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