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Thread: Piriformis syndrome

  1. #81
    Member Harrier's Avatar
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    Re: Piriformis syndrome

    I am wondering if cycling is making my Periformis syndrome worse ... Had a knackered neck and chiropractor sorted that, then the legs started - just as I jumped on the bike for the summer to ease off the harder ground down here in the sunny sunny Sarf of England / Albion's chalk plain as a knee was playing up.

    I feel mainly as if the bike tightens the hams up further, though it doesn't hurt when actually cycling or immediately after. Running has been hurting all the time even with plenty of stretching. I did foam rolling yesterday in the gym for the first time and am much better today, even after a run and a cycle in the last 24 hours. So my experience is get a roller, use it, and ease off on the bike -- maybe! Planning to run a couple of times between now and the weekend with no biking so will let everyone know if the roller / no bike plan works out. The roller seems to be key to really unlocking the hams / back of knee tightness and pain - though it isn't very pleasant for a bit afterwards I have to say.

  2. #82
    Member Harrier's Avatar
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    Re: Piriformis syndrome

    Oh yeah ... no fast downhill running either - that creates havoc. Uphill seems to be cool - unfortunately.

  3. #83
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    Looks like I've joined this unpopular club too. Pain in left buttock radiating into leg, exacerbated by long drives. Thought it was sciatica at first but GP says no. I've self referred to Occy Health at work- NHS- and due to see physio on Wednesday.
    Did 17 miles with 7000ft on Saturday, Sunday fine, shuffling Monday-Wednesday felt like both buttocks were in spasm. Bit better now but still tender. Stretching like mad now.
    To make matters worse woke up on Wednesday with cervical torticollis so now have pain in arse and pain in neck!

  4. #84
    Senior Member Fozzy42's Avatar
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    Been struggling with this for several months now, was hoping it would eventually repair itself if I did plenty of stretching and cut back on my running a bit(about half my usual weekly mileage) Had physio but seemed to have had no positive results, just seems to be always there, especially sore the day after a long run, getting no better whatsoever though. The final straw was a friend saw me out running and later asked me if I was struggling 'cos I seemed to be running with a bit of a limp, I didn't even realise this, I could feel the injury but thought I was running ok, time to listen to my body I think, so might just have to take some out from running altogether.
    The annoying thing is I didn't initially get this injury from running, it was playing 5 aside football, seem to have overstretched for the ball somewhat. Could kick myself now.
    Have taken ibuprofen tablets several times, seems fine after this, but obviously its just masking the injury.

  5. #85
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fozzy42 View Post
    Been struggling with this for several months now, was hoping it would eventually repair itself if I did plenty of stretching and cut back on my running a bit(about half my usual weekly mileage) Had physio but seemed to have had no positive results, just seems to be always there, especially sore the day after a long run, getting no better whatsoever though. The final straw was a friend saw me out running and later asked me if I was struggling 'cos I seemed to be running with a bit of a limp, I didn't even realise this, I could feel the injury but thought I was running ok, time to listen to my body I think, so might just have to take some out from running altogether.
    The annoying thing is I didn't initially get this injury from running, it was playing 5 aside football, seem to have overstretched for the ball somewhat. Could kick myself now.
    Have taken ibuprofen tablets several times, seems fine after this, but obviously its just masking the injury.
    I don't think there's much physiotherapy can do for this, only that you can get a solid diagnosis from the therapist and not the assumptions of a GP. What you need is the right stretches to stop whatever's gone from healing up shorter than before. If it's muscle damage you'll only be looking at a short lay-off, but if you've damaged the collagen that connects muscle to bone be prepared for up to 4 months off. If you try and get back too soon you'll just screw it up again and end up back where you started.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  6. #86
    Senior Member Fozzy42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr brightside View Post
    If it's muscle damage you'll only be looking at a short lay-off, but if you've damaged the collagen that connects muscle to bone be prepared for up to 4 months off. If you try and get back too soon you'll just screw it up again and end up back where you started.
    Cheers for the advice, although its not really what I wanted to hear haha, but I'm prepared for a lay-off. Its such a tough call though, might feel fine after a couple of weeks until I go for a run then bang, back to square one. Or do I take 4 months off when really I only needed a couple of weeks, God knows, better to be safe than sorry I suppose.
    I think plenty of stretches is the way forward though, fingers crossed.

  7. #87
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fozzy42 View Post
    Cheers for the advice, although its not really what I wanted to hear haha, but I'm prepared for a lay-off. Its such a tough call though, might feel fine after a couple of weeks until I go for a run then bang, back to square one. Or do I take 4 months off when really I only needed a couple of weeks, God knows, better to be safe than sorry I suppose.
    I think plenty of stretches is the way forward though, fingers crossed.
    The right advice for this kind of situation is rarely easy on the ears. Don't nail your colours to the mast as regards a prognosis peroid for a full recovery, it's a good way to have your hopes dashed i've always found. Make sure you have all the right stretches and some resistance band exercises to work on further down the line; work out what you can and can't do in terms of getting out and about and stick to it, no runs if running hurts, walking and cycling are the ones i'd look at in due course. Get some NSAI and cold into there whenever it's acute in terms of pain.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  8. #88
    Sounds similar to something I've been experiencing since starting doing some S&C work at the gym in the summer. I think it's mainly the deadlifts which were causing it.

    Right side only, a pain in my buttock which 'twinges' meaning I struggle to push off fully on that side, so my running is a bit lopsided. Can do gym exercises fine but then it twinges like mad when I've finished a set and I hobble over to put my weights back. Cycling has been fine.

    Essentially, there's loads of tightness in my buttock, through the hamstring and then manifesting itself in tight/sore calf.

    The problem is that my pelvis is out of alignment and I've been seeing an amazing Osteopath who cracks & elbows me back into shape each time. As my body gets used to the gym-work the symptoms are easing, and lots of hamstring & glute stretches in between visits seem to be working so that I can keep running/cycling as normal. I haven't stopped running as once things warm up it eases, so better at the end of the run than the start.

    I'd recommend a trip to the Osteopath for a proper diagnosis. If they're good then they'll be able to see all the links and causes and give you suitable treatment. They won't just focus on the area where the symptoms are occurring.

  9. #89
    Senior Member Jezzlar's Avatar
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    i've not read all this thread but for me the clam exercise before every run has worked (50 reps each leg with band(s) just below the knee and weights on the top knee), not had any problems for 18 months or so now.

  10. #90
    Senior Member Fozzy42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jezzlar View Post
    i've not read all this thread but for me the clam exercise before every run has worked (50 reps each leg with band(s) just below the knee and weights on the top knee), not had any problems for 18 months or so now.
    I'll give it a go, cheers.

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