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Thread: Skirrid Race - South Wales

  1. #11
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    PM me the route...I'll have a recce.
    Simon Blease

  2. #12
    Orange Pony Hanneke's Avatar
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    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    If you run it on a Saturday, then I am happy to be your summit marshall, as I can get there on my cross bike and no cross races on a Saturday
    “the cause of my pain, was the cause of my cure” Rumi

  3. #13
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    OK, looking at the map its a shorter run from The Skirrid Inn than I thought. So why not a direct attack up the north face, then turn left on the summit to descend on the good track on the east side, skirt the base clockwise to the south end and then that lovely long slog up the ridge before crashing back down the north face for home?
    Last edited by Wheeze; 22-11-2011 at 04:13 PM.
    Simon Blease

  4. #14
    Senior Member Longdogs's Avatar
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    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    This sounds great, i might be tempted to return south for it..

  5. #15
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    Been for a post lurgy, post Christmas trot on the Skirrid today. The trash across the lower fields is more sapping than I expected. The footpath leads you onto a natural line up the eastern face of the summit, a slope which about as steep and as long as the last pull up the Blorenge. Start to summit took me about 30 minutes, so call it 25 mins at race pace. From there, I ran south along the ridge for 100 metres to the next rocky outcrop to make a very acute right turn along a sheep trod/path that decends down through the boulder field on the west face. Spent 10 minutes bashing around on the subsidiary tump before concluding that there is a runnable way up but no safe route back down. So picked up the circular path at the base of the main hill again to rejoin the out-route for the dash home. That took 20 mins, say 15 mins race pace, to give a mid-field time of about 40 mins which is on the money for a winter league race.

    Just one comment, thought needs to be given to the number of stiles in the first half mile! It would be useful if the first 4 could have the gates next to them opened for the out route, especially since stiles 2 and 4 are pretty rickety!
    Simon Blease

  6. #16
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    More thoughts on the day after. I think this could become a fabulous classic race, especially if the pub gets behind it. The run across the fields from the pub is really good and an unexpected delight. Its tough going out..... a long steady pull which is runnable but hard work - all the while you see the volcano like summit ahead of you. When you finally get to the steep bit, its a real lung buster. More runnable than Blorenge but still a real challenge. But its the visual impact of reaching the summit that is the real crowning glory. One of the best vistas in South Wales.
    If we can engineer a run through the boulder field on the west face I think it would be excellent because it is very technical. You need your wits about you to go fast. The return run over the fields promises one of the fastest sustained dashes I can think of. A never ending green plunge which will tax lungs and legs to the limit.

    The extra bonus is that it will also make an excellent summer race too, just by summitting, going back down the boulder field and then turnming left , circuiting to the far south end and returning up the long ridge. That should make it a 1 hour race again with the bonus of the Skiirid Inn race HQ. Superb.
    Simon Blease

  7. #17

    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    Yes, I'm dead keen to have either that path through the boulder field included, or a contouring circumnavigation through the rough stuff at half height, all the way around, having first gone straight up the North face, descended the lovely long ridge and then gone around the East side before gaining height again. I want technicality, as much as I can get.
    Nothing is cast in stone yet, so I'm open to ideas. One section of about 1K goes across private land (permission granted) but the rout mainly goes out on one public ROW, and back on another. The farmers agreed to open all bar one gate on the way back. There is a stile in a wood on the way out that may require some bales to 'enhance passage' a bit. EM you shortly, Wheeze.

  8. #18
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    Ah, so are you using the more northerly of the two footpaths on the out route? Does that avoid death by stile??
    Simon Blease

  9. #19

    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    Right . . .'yer 'tis.
    The Skirrid Race - 2pm Saturday December 22nd 2012
    Registration from 1pm: The Skirrid Inn, Llanvihangel Crucorney (There's a mouthful !) Grid Ref:SO 325206
    Roadside parking in village.
    3.5ml/1500ft It has been arranged for most gates to be open.
    Some beers for stirling efforts. More for the scariest descent times.

    If the main A465 is passable, then regardless of weather, there will be a race of some description, although possibly an alternative course.
    Can't run ? - I need five marshals, all of whom will be able to avail themselves of a free pint, a roaring log fire, and the convivial company of buxom barmaids/bearded barmen (delete as appropriate) when they return.
    Course map
    Attachment 6432
    Last edited by Grubby; 28-10-2012 at 06:49 PM. Reason: Incorrect info

  10. #20

    Re: Skirrid Race - South Wales

    I forgot to mention that the course between the 'A's is on private land, so try to resist a recce of this bit.

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