Came across the Billy Bland Challenge recently and I was absolutely gobsmacked at his splits for all the legs.

Leg 1: Billy Bland 2:16
Leg 2: Billy Bland 2:44
Leg 3: Billy Bland 3:45
Leg 4: Billy Bland 3:20
Leg 5: Billy Bland 1:53
Total : 13:53

Also - the Billy Bland Challenge interestingly shows that none of the teams came close to his record and there were some good runners there running the legs. Some Challenge legs did actually go faster than Billy's leg times.
How hard do we think the individual leg times are then ? Surely only the top 1% of runners could achieve any one of them, let alone string them all together ?

I supported a 19:32 recently and we did leg 5 in a seemingly "pedestrian" 2:30