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Thread: Slipped disc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    South Lakes

    Slipped disc


    Had a trauma related slipped/herniated disc 2 weeks ago and although the acute pain has receded I still know its there! Haven't run since I did it and was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences. Starting to wonder if I'll be able to run this side of Christmas! Had physio session last week that helped a bit but pain today has stepped up a level.


  2. #2
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Re: Slipped disc

    I have a partial prolapsed disc, according to the Doc. Physio helped a little, but not much. I find the most relief I get is by hanging from my staircase which opens up the spine.
    Sitting down isn't great, I tend to seize up and get up sore.

    It came on around early April 2010 on a week long sales trip around the Orkneys and Highlands and I was "out" for 3 months. After a frustrating period I "ran" the Tockholes Fell race in July and couldn't run up or downhill - not great in a fell race
    But that getting out and doing it kick started me again and over the next 3 months I got more mobile and regained some of my flexibility. It affects stride length and leg speed with me and running downhill isn't easy.

    I've been largely trouble free until on my holiday recently around 3 weeks ago.

    I did the things I know work.
    1. Pain Relief - using minimal amounts of the tramadol I can get from the doc and ibuprofen.
    2. Keeping mobile - lots of walking to start, stretching, hanging, and lieing down on my front on the floor and raising on my elbows, keeping my back relaxed so it arches evenly, and occasionally raising up on my arms to fully arch out my back.

    NB. Don't take the tramadol unless you have to. It can clam up your insides big time and I also find I lose my concentration. I only used it on a bad day and was lucky I had a few left from my first case, that I always take with me just in case.

    I've managed to get back running already and ran the Cliviger 6 yesterday in a respectable time and felt fine - better today.

    So my advise would be work out what aggravates yours and avoid it as much as possible and try to find a way of opening up the spine - you can buy traction machines, but if you have somewhere you can hang from, that would help - you may feel some instant relief, I certainly do.

    When you run, you will find it feels tender to start as the spine is like a shock absorber and each stride can give pain, so try running on the flat, or find a gradual incline and do some very steady reps, walking back down the slope afterwards.
    Downhill is definitely the most difficult.
    Hope there's some help here - it's very frustrating I know.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mr1470's Avatar
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    Re: Slipped disc

    Sorry to hear about your disc Omar. I'd echo much of what Witton Park has said. Movement is definitely the way forward! I had a prolapsed disc some 20+ years ago now and, at the time, treatment was bed rest.....believe me, that did NOT help! It's now a case of movement, exercises, strengthening and pushing yourself just enough but not too much. Inevitably there will be a few setbacks and you'll have to step back in your recovery to go forward.....recognise that and don't fight it.

    And, offering some hope as well, having had the prolapsed disc, I've learned to manage the back when it flares up and have, in my time as a fellrunner, completed the 37 mile Old County Tops on several occasions and done a BG. The body WILL respond if you ask it to, you just have to allow it time to adapt. Good luck with you recovery.
    Loving life in the Highlands


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Lakes

    Re: Slipped disc

    Thanks guys, your experiences have made me feel much more positive. Never having had a long term injury I've never experienced the frustration of not being able to get out on the fells, or even roads for that matter. Guess patience is the key and not to get too fond of the painkillers!

  5. #5
    Senior Member A.P.E Knott's Avatar
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    Re: Slipped disc

    Took me a full year before I got back to full fitness.
    You are in for a long hard road.
    I am the laymans expert on disc trouble !!
    Forget the physio and buy two books ,makenzie, treat your own back and Sara keys Back in action (or any Sara Keys books).
    I could go onn and on about back pain but I wont bore you.
    PM me if you need any help/support


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Slipped disc


    Tough luck.

    It may not all be bad news.

    I have a recurring prolapsed disc. 'Recurring' generally, but not always, means that the 6 IQ brain says 'You ought to take care in this positon, you've been okay for a couple of years, you got away with it last time, go for it'.

    Once I'm can stand and walk and cross a busy street with confidence, about three weeks in my case, I can get on the hills. Soon the jogging starts. That marks the end of the depressing period. Races come later.

    Unlike some injuries, I find its progress all the way, though very slow at the start, with no set backs. Probably, the punishing pain is so great in the initial stages we're too frightened to move our legs into any silly position.

    Eventually i'll hear 'Funny, that can run the hills okay but you can't ...'.

    Until the next time.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    South Lakes

    Re: Slipped disc

    Thanks for the words of encouragement Eddie, I'm hoping that the worst is over now and approaching the 3 week point. Pain has centralised and according to the excellent book I just bought "treat your own back", that is a good thing. maybe won't 'need' as many ales tonight :wink:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Beverley, East Yorkshire

    Re: Slipped disc

    Not trying to play topper but I have had the full works prolapsed disc and a burst disc one above the other. First things first - be careful. Take your time. A prolapsed disc as you know is merely a balloon out of the disc that touches on the sciatic nerve. It can burst and cause increased difficulties. It took me two full years to recover to a stage where I could do some serious training in the hills. I also ski off piste so my world was turned upside down. Sort out a full core exercise regime to give your back a chance. Religious stretching and mobility to maintain some movement. Don't be afraid to take drugs when painful and that might be every waking minute of the day and some of the night. This will cut down on the muscle spasm which is a problem in its own right. Surgeons have agreed to fuse my discs etc. Could go on and on advice is don't get too depressed - IT WILL GET BETTER BE PATIENT. Chat if you want to. Barry

  9. #9
    Senior Member Zaf's Avatar
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    Re: Slipped disc


    I sympathise as I am in a similar position to you and like a few others slightly in front of you and hopefully coming out of the other side BUT ITS SLOW. I have 2 herniated discs, now confirmed by MRI scan, which are trapping my left root nerve to my left hip and leg and it hurts. Loads of Physio and exercises focussing on core strength and as Barry stated, don't be too afraid to take drugs to help ease the pain to allow gentle exercise, Gabapentin works for me without the horrible effects of Tramadol and has allowed me to keep working with a clear head (and stomach) . I have started run / walk sessions and yeah its a bit disheartening as your form is all over the place and going downhill is tough. Just keep at it , don't rush and believe that every outing you are improving. Good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    South Lakes

    Re: Slipped disc

    It's been about 7 weeks now since I injured my back. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. I think looking at the various accounts of others who have had disc problems that I was quite fortunate. I found that doing "McKenzie" stretches every 2 hrs made a huge difference and other than weird nerve pain, my back is nearly sorted. Been jogging a couple of times and a slow run on th fells. Each time I have had mild tingling in foot afterwards but that is subsiding.

    Was very pleased to get off the medication. Diclofenic was great other than giving me terrible nightmares. Apparently a not uncommon side effect. Amitriptyline not so nice but eased the worst of the nerves pain.

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