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Thread: South Wales Traverse

  1. #1

    South Wales Traverse

    Hi All,

    I have waded through the existing forum material on the South Wales Traverse (not a huge amount on here) but as I'm looking to make an attempt next year I thought I'd a) advertise the fact that I'd like to give it a go late-May/early-June 2016 in case anyone else fancies it and b) start soliciting opinion on start times, route choices, funny/cautionary anecdotes etc. Many of my esteemed club mates from the mighty MDC have suffered through the round but I've not heard much about it from those outside the club. So if you fancy a pop at what is disparagingly referred to as 'the easy Welsh round' or if you have any pearls of wisdom to dispense, let's hear it!



  2. #2
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    When I attempted it with Toffer, we selected a 9pm start time, the thinking being that a 20 hour schedule would have us at the pub in Llanthony in time for a nice early evening pint before heading home. This also meant that we would be at Storey Arms for an early breakfast stop.
    Everything worked well up to that point although casting around for the summit of Fan Frynach at 3 am caused a fair bit of cursing!
    Unfortunately, we made it no further than Storey Arms due to an accident of physiology!!
    To be honest, I think the only significant bit of route choice is whether to stay high or drop to the valley lane for the Pyrgad section.
    Definitely go early in the summer season before bracken/nettles take over the lower sections.
    Keep me in mind if you need pacers for any sections. Not sure I have it in me to do the whole thing these days!
    Simon Blease

  3. #3
    Thanks Wheeze. Myself and Carwyn 'Caz the Hat' Phillips have set a date for 14th/15th May next year which fits into our schedules and will hopefully be early enough to beat the heat and the bracken.

  4. #4
    Member AndyB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    l'd like to have a crack at this with you so long as you're happy with me tagging along.
    Striving for mediocrity

  5. #5
    Senior Member sore legs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Dave Austin may be able to help you out with some route advice or assistance. I dont know if he hangs around on here but Wheeze may able to PM you some contact details. His blog link is below.


    Dave & Wheeze, sorry if Ive dropped you in it !

    Paul C.

    ... continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

  6. #6
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Oooeerr, looks like we might have a Forum event! Dave is Madman or summat like that.
    Simon Blease

  7. #7
    Chepstow Harriers' Dave Austin? He races a bit doesn't he, if I see him I'll ask. First official long training run on Saturday, hoping it'll go well!

  8. #8
    Yeh, I'll support. :-)

  9. #9
    Good lad! Found a decent line through the woods to Blaen y Cwm this morning - not as many scratches as when I did it with you and Marcus…. Waun Fach and Pen y Gadair Fawr have been totally ruined by the new stone paths though, grr!

  10. #10
    Master molehill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    If Caz is there, I'm sure I will be - if only making the tea. I had planned to do it with Caz in early 2014 but then I fell apart!
    Don't roll with a pig in poo. You get covered in poo and the pig likes it.

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