A question for all you wonderful sports therapists out there.
Been suffering with hip pain on and off for a while now, a right pain as it stops activity.
Unlike the symptoms for piriformis syndrome, which appear to be low in the buttock and going down into the rear thigh area, mine is under the wing of my pelvis at the back, a kind of lateral pain. When inflamed, it hurts mildly most of the time (you know its there kind of pain) but intensifies lifting the leg forward (walking up hills) but particularly bending forward from standing (not siting). Really awkward using the sink to brush my teeth which causes me to really tense upper stomach muscles.
The pain recedes after a few days - I found in the summer on an alpine trip that rock climbing really eased it. Despite barely making it to the bottom of a crag and nearly needing help to put on my harness I found I could climb happily! Needles to say I stayed out of the big mountains for a week or so. May have been brought on by sitting in a small tent for 2 days in the rain.
Running also aggravates it, the reason I am suffering again now!
Is this linked to performs or could it be something to do with the other postural muscle, the psoasis?
Will be trying to get a sports massage this week but any advice appreciated.