The physio was pleased with my progress. 6 weeks earlier he had given me permission to do one short run a week. Then I came back and he reckoned I could either increase the length or the frequency of runs a little. So what do I do this last week? Two runs, but both significantly longer than I had been doing.

I blame the weather. Looking out at Beacon Hill from my bedroom window this bright, clear morning, I couldn't resist the temptation. And who knows when the Autumn rains will set in, and the steep paths up through Felicity's Wood will again be surfaced with mud on which even my Walshes can't grip?

Anyway, at least the soreness in my Achilles tendon isn't the sharp pain I was getting when the tendinopathy first made itself known. Maybe if I can resist going for any long runs this coming week, and keep doing the stretches, it won't be a serious setback.