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Thread: Transvulcania Trail Race

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Transvulcania Trail Race

    Hi all,

    I've just provisionally registered for this race. I would be interested to hear some of your stories. Pro's / Con's / lessons learnt.

    All the best and good health, Rileforce

  2. #2
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    I've not done this race, nor been to La Palma, but I've ran in the Canary Islands, and can offer the following, which may help a little...

    - sun and heat are a big factor. The temperatures might only be 25c or thereabouts, but the southerly location means the sun is really strong, and can easily feel a good 5-10 degrees hotter.

    - not entirely sure on the terrain/paths/etc, I assume it's on fairly good trails as its such a popular race... but I've been on a nearby island and getting up onto the volcanic mountainous terrain (off the trails) tore through my trainers a lot quicker than British fell terrain would.

    - take some sunglasses that you are comfortable running in.

    The Canaries really are beautiful, ideal for running, and justifiably renowned as big triathlon country. But what strikes me when you get out there is how few people actually get out into the real country. Obviously your race will be different, but on a standard day you could see very few people "on the trail" yet countless people pounding the promenades in the resorts.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Alan Lucker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Travs View Post
    I've not done this race, nor been to La Palma, but I've ran in the Canary Islands, and can offer the following, which may help a little...

    - sun and heat are a big factor. The temperatures might only be 25c or thereabouts, but the southerly location means the sun is really strong, and can easily feel a good 5-10 degrees hotter.

    - not entirely sure on the terrain/paths/etc, I assume it's on fairly good trails as its such a popular race... but I've been on a nearby island and getting up onto the volcanic mountainous terrain (off the trails) tore through my trainers a lot quicker than British fell terrain would.

    - take some sunglasses that you are comfortable running in.

    The Canaries really are beautiful, ideal for running, and justifiably renowned as big triathlon country. But what strikes me when you get out there is how few people actually get out into the real country. Obviously your race will be different, but on a standard day you could see very few people "on the trail" yet countless people pounding the promenades in the resorts.
    Agree with all that. Haven't run the Transvulcania...yet, but have run Trans Grancanaria 2016 and the TGC marathon earlier this year. I suspect the trails are similar as all the islands are volcanic structures. If so the trails are rough and there is very little easy (switch off and cruise) running. I found the TGC 2016 brutal. It's hard to get ready for a race in February that has 28,000 foot in it. You have a bit more time for Transvulcania, but to do your best I think you need to start building hill miles in mid winter. Not easy. I'm registered for TGC next year and plan to have a down time in October, then start building up in November.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thanks for the tips. Hill training it is

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I also did the TGC the same year as Alan and had a place for this years Transvulcania but couldnt travel at the last minute as my wife was ill. But I will be going next year. I think an issue may be running for a long time at high altitude in the sun. I guess hydration and food will be even more critical.


  6. #6
    I did this race in 2016 and it's an amazing event. I made it a family week long holiday and stayed in Los Llanos about 10 min walk from the finish. The event is very well run and the aid stations are well stocked with food and drink. There is a lot of hiking involved and overtaking is tough at the start due to the amount of people. The paths are a mix of really smooth trails or sandy/gravel which you sink into a bit. The final huge decent is a killer with some rocky footpath switchbacks down to the beach. If you need any more info let me know and have fun!


  7. #7
    Master Tussockface's Avatar
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    What counts as a qualifying mountain race for the Transvulcania events? Is there an approved list anywhere, as for the UTMB, or will they accept anything with distance and ascent?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Fro memory the aplications stated any mountain race over 40k. Later in the form it also asked to provide your points < Luckily I collected some of these from the few ultras I have done.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Hi Chris,

    What resort did you stay at? Ideally I think I will want to be near end Los Llanos. I have booked my flights, just not booked my accommodation yet. Many thanks in advance

  10. #10
    Master Tussockface's Avatar
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    I'm entered in the Transvulcania marathon and have rented a house in Santa Cruz not far from where I understand you can catch a shuttle bus to the start.

    So far, I've managed to book flights to and from Gran Canaria, which still leaves me about 300 miles short of La Palma...!
    I'm hoping to pick up a local Canaries flight nearer the time; either that, or my swimming has to improve dramatically.
    "Get yourself together, Jones" - Ray Davies

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