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Thread: Kettlewell 8/6, kit + qs

  1. #1

    Kettlewell 8/6, kit + qs

    I was thinking about entering the race at kettlewell tomorrow as a first race.
    Couple of questions - is this an ok first race? Short but with what seems like a decent amount as ascent.

    I'be got full FRA kit ready, but it's all massive/dead heavy (mountaineering hardshell etc, will probably have to wear a backpack as no bumbag). But when I see race photos, no one is ever wearing a pack/bumbag. Are the requirements often waived for shorter races like this? I know it's forecast for rain but with reasonable temps.


  2. #2
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Western Peak District
    I don't know this race personally.

    But in general, some race organisers for races where it's not an absolute requirement make a decision on the day not to require full kit. And you're right, these are usually short races in the summer (like this one).

    So I suggest turning up with it but there's a reasonable chance you won't have to carry it.


  3. #3
    Yes, Kettlewell would be a suitable first race. It's a steep start with a tiny bit of hand on rock as you go over the escarpment, but nothing scary, and then a long runnable climb and a non-technical descent, then another longish climb with a descent on a rocky track (from memory). There should be a decent sized field so you shouldn't find yourself on your own, and I think it's either marked, or at least on mostly obvious tracks with marshalls at the key points.

    Take all kit with you, I wouldn't expect to have to carry it all but the waterproofs especially may be required. Organiser will decide based on weather.


  4. #4
    The route looks pretty straightforward nav wise, and hand on rock is probably preferable!

    Thanks for the replies - really helpful.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Sanders View Post
    The route looks pretty straightforward nav wise, and hand on rock is probably preferable!

    Thanks for the replies - really helpful.
    Well if a crocked - now V70 - can get round it 7 times it can't be that hard .
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  6. #6
    Super Moderator
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    It's an ideal first race Sanders. Have fun! Oh and welcome to the forum. Let us know how you get on
    Poacher turned game-keeper

  7. #7
    It was absolutely brilliant! Dodged the rain, amazing views, didn't fall over or come last. A roaring success. Not to mention the jelly babies!

    Definitely hungry for more (fell races, not jelly babies).

  8. #8
    Super Moderator
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    The Worth
    Great stuff Sanders. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for letting us know
    Poacher turned game-keeper

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