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Thread: Sprained ankle

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Wheeze View Post
    If there was a significant body rotation over a fixed foot, this can cause the high ankle or syndesmotic sprain. Rehab can take longer.
    I guess you are 4-5 weeks out from injury now? Dont delay seeing a physio. They can really help get you back faster.
    Just an update for anyone who's interested (I hate it when a thread leaves you hanging).
    I had a physio appointment this week, and she gave me the thumbs up to start running again despite some lingering swelling/pain. Advised that I stay on the flat/even ground for the next month and then go to a follow up appointment. I've tucked a few 5k's away - amazing how hard even they seem after two months out -and hopefully I'll make a fell race or two before the year ends.

  2. #22
    Well, the year's just about over, and I never did make another fell race, although I did manage to run in the Dovedale Dash.
    It will probably raise a knowing smile from you seasoned runners, but prior to making the transition to running, I never really appreciated quite how serious an ankle sprain could be. I had a few in my younger days, but they always seemed to be a minor annoyance rather than anything else.
    I've been running again regularly - fairly standard distances and times compared with my pre-injury training. However, I'm still in quite a bit of pain around the joint, particularly after longer runs. Despite trying to concentrate on my ankles with other training methods, there's still pain when I flex in certain directions or stress the joint. I'm six months in now, and it's pretty annoying to feel the constant nagging pain, especially when it interferes with something you love doing. On top of this, I'm not altogether sure I trust the joint now, and I'm actually apprehensive about taking on any kind of descent on rough ground. Kind of takes some of the fun out of fell running for me, as the downhills were about the only bit I could compete on!
    So, all in all pretty crappy, but here's to a better 2019!

  3. #23
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Well, you are back and running which is most of the battle. Symptoms from a big ankle sprain can take months to recede as you are finding.
    As for committing yourself downhill, I fully appreciate how you feel. I turned my ankle so many times that I was pretty disabled. Eventually I decided to run in a brace. After trying an arthrex brace (like Andy Murray uses) I eventually discovered the Swiss-O.
    Google it. This is a lace up brace which is very slim and easily fits inside your fell shoe. I guarantee you will not notice it at all when racing and it gives you full confidence back. After time, you can eventually stop wearing it if you like although I got so used to mine I stayed with it....putting it on was part of race prep!
    Simon Blease

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