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Thread: Pain in hip + lower back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Basque Country

    Pain in hip + lower back

    For several months now I've been having some discomfort at the top of my leg, just underneath my right buttock, on longer runs. In the 6 weeks or so, I've had more time available to train so have been running and cycling more. Due to that I find that the discomfort comes on much quicker and sometimes just walking on the flat give me grief. It's stopped me running at all this last week. Also I find that the pain leads to a tightness in my lower back. I've already been to see a physio but it's not helped. I've looked into it a bit online and it seems to me to be piriformis syndrome but I'm not able to say for sure. Has anyone had any similar issues and does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can manage it?

  2. #2
    Master Tussockface's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    West Yorkshire
    Yes, that sounds very familiar to me!I've found it can also be associated with hamstring and abductor strain. I thought for ages, based on online research, that I must have piriformis syndrome and tried all the exercises recommended for that condition, but without success. In the end a decent physiotherapist unpacked the suite of problems I'd developed and concentrated largely on the lower back as the principal cause. I was advised the mobilise the lower back muscles before every run. This is done by performing a kind of press-up with your hips left on the floor, and holding for 30-60 seconds.It helped me get back to running although I've found problems have recurred if I stop doing the stretch.I also think you might be helped by exercises to strengthen your hamstrings - runners and cyclists harbour the illusion that because they use their legs a lot their hams must be strong: wrong. Google 'posterior chain weakness'. Also, don't neglect hamstring/glute bridging exercises.Good luck, and please let me know if you find anything else that helps!
    "Get yourself together, Jones" - Ray Davies

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Basque Country
    Thanks for that, all sounds like very useful information. I'll definitely look into it and let you know what I find.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Chris K's Avatar
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    This side of the fence
    I think Denise Parks did an article on this, possibly a couple of years back, in the 'Fellrunner'? A Remedial Masseur might have a different approach to the physio you used, hope you can get it sorted soon.
    A circular route mostly downhill

  5. #5
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I had similar pain in lower back/top of hamstring/glute area. I used some nerve flossing techniques and it really seemed to sort it out. I thought I had Piriformis or Sciatic problems but it did go away after doing regular flossing exercises.
    Here's some Nerve Flossing info:
    Will Meredith - Pennine

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