Thanks to Brett for creating this forum.
Who's on it? And can anyone get access or is it just race organisers?
Thanks to Brett for creating this forum.
Who's on it? And can anyone get access or is it just race organisers?
It's an open forumthere must be a wealth of experience out there
This is super Brett. Thank you. :-)
I'm racking my brain but cannot find the source of a post saying giving alcohol as a prize for a race which required money to enter is a form of sales and as it is alcohol would require a liquor licence.
Any other ROs out there thinking trading standards may call one day?
Not trying to be a kill joy but wanted my memory back or at least reassurance.
Cheers guys,
Some rules, if indeed this is a rule, should just be quietly ignored.
Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run
This is what I found but it's a New Zealand law- The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012: "Providing free wine as a competition prize or as part of a loyalty programme is now illegal".
Food for thought though.
Normally the law requires a degree of "what is reasonable" interpretation. I suspect if you gave everyone a bottle of wine for doing a half-mile race, there might be questions asked.
Ah but if you've paid a race fee then the wine is not free?
New question if I may - how is 'climb' actually calculated for a race? Is it as simple as adding up the low points to the high points throughout the course, ignoring the downhills? Or is there some cunning formula? I ask because I have been using Strava to try and work it out, based on races I have done many times, and can't get all that close. Now this may be that these races have been recording the 'climb' for years and years, and now modern technology allows us to measure more accurately...but I'm not so sure on that as actual distances are pretty much bang on. What am I missing? I ask because I am looking at some potential Junior Races, I have some nice courses but want to make sure I'm recording accurately from the start. Thanks.
Shaved my dreads just 'Jeff'...