Better than owt we've got?
Better than owt we've got?
Check out the website his people forgot to register:
He reminds me of that antibiotic resistant clap - you just can’t get rid of him can you? What kind of clown would be taken in by him?
Last edited by Derby Tup; 12-04-2019 at 04:54 PM.
Me. He's got my vote and i have no idea of his manifesto.
Anyone's better than the 600 spineless wasters we currently have.
I'm just looking forward to Brexit Party and UKIP tearing each other apart.
In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
Jorge Luis Borges
That does appear to me to be a problem for Farage. Obviously the people on these threads are more politically interested than most so can make the distinction between the Brexit Party and UKIP. But it wouldn’t surprise me if some voters will think that Farage is still in UKIP and vote accordingly.
I’m struggling to make the distinction but in fairness I’ve not been trying very hard
Edit: that Tommy Robinson looks a proper nutter; not just an idiot like Farage. He’s ex-BNP etc. A wretched human being
Re-edit: Farage had at least a couple of deeply unpleasant ‘colleagues’ in his party until recently
UKIP are neo-Nazi, whereas Farage’s party is ‘just’ deeply racist. Is that correct?
Last edited by Derby Tup; 12-04-2019 at 10:45 PM.