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Thread: Greta Thunberg

  1. #21
    She does indeed walk the walk. Unlike Emma Thompson. I mean, what was wrong with a video link?

  2. #22
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
    The protesters made it us and them.

    Them doing the finger pointing, when the young certainly have no moral high ground on it. They are some of the worst offenders. The fast food generation with all their rubbish.
    I think her message is aimed at the political classes. Oldies like yourself are probably on the same side of the fence as she is - from what I've read of your other posts.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wetherby whaler View Post
    She does indeed walk the walk. Unlike Emma Thompson. I mean, what was wrong with a video link?
    Does she?

    Did she swim or paddle a canoe to London from Sweden?
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Llani Boy View Post
    Does she?

    Did she swim or paddle a canoe to London from Sweden?
    No, train via Copenhagen, over the bridge from Malmö. Down via Hamburg, Brussels, through the Channel Tunnel.
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  5. #25
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  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Agreed - but all require government action, and cannot be achieved by individuals.

    As to Brexit and climate change - less money to spend on green initiatives. Brexit is beyond absurd.
    As remainers keep saying. Yet they are never able to put a single cogent argumemnt on why they think it is absurd, indeed any cogent argument in support of EU.

    The macroeconomics, inevitable disaster of the currency union, the migrations as consequence, the slow lane economy due to restrictive trade practices, the wasting of money hand over fist ( which reductes of money the spend on anything: let alone green) the paralysis caused by too many in decisions, and lowest common denominator in one size fits all legislation. The total lack of democracy transparency. Legislation is decided behind closed doors by the unelected. Every where you look eu is #fail. The EU is absurd.

    I often hear the false medical case that because of immigration curbs medical staff will suffer. I can only comment australia and New zealand get on just fine, last time I looked they were not in the EU.

    The EU is provably to BLAME for part of the problem of NHS staffing with the rampant stupidity of including on call time in working time directive, costing NHS a fortune. The EU are now under pressure to change it from many directions, not just us. How easy it is to spend other peoples money when you dont have to face elections like Juncker.

    (But on NHS stffing, as an aside perhaps the public sector should do what the private sector has to do Ask those who take expensive training (which is massive for doctors) or qualifications funded by employer elsewhere to pay back the cost on a sliding scale if they leave before a substantial number of years. So we are funding our own health service, not a mass migration to australia and newzealand or into the private sector

    It is also somewhat outrageous that public sector pensions so far exceed the private sector going over tax limits so that far too many retire too early,long before the government declared retirement age , which is truly absurd, and should not be allowed to happen. The obvious course is reduce the pension entitlements not increase the limits , which are already grossly unfair to private sector. Which is very obvious to those in the private sector that have to create the businesses and jobs that pay for the public sector, but never get the gold plated benefits that they pay for, that is. It is never so obvious to the beneficiaries. - so for NHS staffing problems look there)

    Cameron and osbourne failed to find positive arguments either, it's why they failed to persuade.

    Apart from anything else: why do you want to belong to a club that is so vindictive rude and nasty to the point of preferring lose lose? They refuse to negotiate either trade ( won't even talk about it) or even their withdrawal nonagreement. Juncker wnd barnier don't care. Their salaries will increase regardless. It says it all. If people want me to buy their stuff, first they need to be pleasant and reasonable. So EU behaviour is absurd.

    I've yet to hear credible arguments in favour of EU: and the ones who call brexit absurd never seem to give any!
    Last edited by Oracle; 30-04-2019 at 07:46 AM.

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