Oh dear...

I was fine this morning, went for a run, didn't overdo it, in fact ran 1/3 less distance, but a bit faster than my normal pace, felt good, pottered around home for a few hours... then walked down the hill into town, oh my... as I started down the hill the pain on the left side of my knee was not pleasant! I sort of shook it out a bit... okay, but not really. It was better once I was on the flat again and I cadged a lift back home, walking around is fine, but as soon as I put any pressure on going down a slope I feel it. It's on my left, funny leg, side.

This does not feel good

Somehow managed to get an appointment with a half-doctor tomorrow evening... okay not a fully qualified doc, but with a bit of luck they might be able to tell me exactly what is causing it so I can fix it. I figured this was a better option than waiting *three weeks* for an appointment with a full-doctor.