Thanks Mossdog - the jab was before my run. I agree that warning people of the risk of CVST and the associated symptoms before their second injection is pretty pointless, given that the risk is less than 1 in several million. If they asked people 5 minutes later what specific warning they had been given I have no doubt most would be unable to recall any details. Ideally, before their first jab, people would have read about the risks either online or from a leaflet. I was offered a leaflet at both visits - I declined - but there would not have been time to read it.

I have an ever so slightly sore left deltoid muscle this morning - my partner had the same symptom after her second jab. If it was bilateral I would just think I had had a hard work out. I have been having annual flu jabs for perhaps 20 years - this is my first vaccination side-effect since the swine flu jab in 2009 when I had similar discomfort.