I think I’ve decided do the BGR, it’s always been in my mind but having had chronic injuries it’s never seemed possible but I’m going to invest the time, build slowly and get there. My plan is the recce this summer/autumn. Use winter to build mileage/conditioning, spend half terms/Easter in the Lakes learning the tricky bits, walk the route at the beginning of summer, spend 3 weeks in the Alps and then go for a mid Sept round.

I think I’m writing this just to make it seem more official, so it doesn’t stay as a pipe dream in the back of my head. I might revisit this post to keep me on track.

I’ve been listening to the BG sounds podcast and I liked the advice “at some point you need need to make a decision, not about whether you finish or not, but you need to decided how you are going to finish”

Any other pearls of wisdom out there?