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Thread: Sabrina Verjee Wainwrights attempt

  1. #21
    Master Muddy Retriever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    In the film about his Wainwrights record Paul looked absolutely shattered at one stage - no surprise - but managed to somehow come back to life and finish looking more or less normal. It is an amazingly tough undertaking - good luck to Sabrina. She used to occasionally attend a S+C class in Ambleside that I went to religiously - she was one of the few non regulars who could do everything that was asked of her.
    I enjoyed watching this film about Paul Tierney's round. As you say he did look pretty unruffled at the end.

    Staggering that anybody can keep going for such a length of time. Worth watching for anybody who hasn't already done so.

  2. #22
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Looks like she ditched the up-and-down from Hartsop Dodd to Gray Crag overnight, in favour of staying up high on a longer route... thought she might! May have cost ten minutes or so, but probably leave her feeling a little fresher...

    Another tough day today on the Far Eastern Fells that I know and love.

  3. #23
    Master ba-ba's Avatar
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    She's now about an hour down on the schedule, so ~5.5 up on Paul. BUt moving fairly close to her scheduled splits. She took her rest before Wansfell instead of at Troutbeck this morning.

    Looking at the schedule, she's having 2h at Glenridding and, other than an hour below Dodd before the Binsey slog, that's it in terms of 'quality' sleep - everything else is 10-20mins. It'll be really interesting to see how this plays out - will she keep cracking on as is; will she fade; will she take some more sleep and eat into her cushion but allow her to keep moving at a record pace. So many permutations and decisions to be made!

    Paul got ahead of Steve's schedule by getting a leg ahead into Martindale by missing some sleep. I can't see that happening here so it's more of a foot race than tactical.
    Nic Barber. Downhill Dandy

  4. #24
    Master Hank's Avatar
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    Only 37 mins down at Kentmere, so she's made time over the last couple of splits. Looks like the tactical change of stops overnight worked. The weather up here was particularly bad from about 1000-0400, so she'll have got her kip during that time and made the most of the clearing conditions first thing. Pretty good running weather right now.
    Geoff Clarke

  5. #25
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    Amazing stuff 😊 the weather looks really good up until Sunday. Clear and just warm enough

  6. #26
    Master Hank's Avatar
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    Looks to have drifted a bit again. Extrapolating a bit, but looks like she could be as much 90 minutes down by Rampsgill. Guess she might be able to get a bit back on the easier section north along the ridge, but I reckon the ground up there is going to be pretty heavy. The target splits of 63 minutes for The Knott to Rampsgill are pretty brutal!
    Geoff Clarke

  7. #27
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    I first thought the loss against the schedule looked a little worse because i think she did The Nab/Rest Dodd in a different order to the targeted split times. But yes it is apparent that some time has been lost.

    Totally agree with you on the split times on that section being challenging! Although as you say she appears to have pulled a little back on the Rampsgill-Martindale section. I think there's a little scope to pull bits back overnight, with a break scheduled at Glenridding for tomorrow at dawn.

  8. #28
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    Well impressed, she should be into SLEEPMONSTER territory now which can make thing s interesting for her, good to see somebody actually getting out doing something and taking advantage of the currently quieter than usual fells, nothing but positive vibes heading her way from me
    The older I get the Faster I was

  9. #29
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Looks like she had a longer than scheduled rest at Patterdale during the night. Wonder if she'll cut down on the rest at Glenridding, where she currently appears to be...

    A lot of runnable terrain today. Which could actually make things harder!!

  10. #30
    Super Moderator
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    From my understanding she’s been relatively quick downhill but slower uphill. Maybe a chance to move a bit quicker will help today?

    It always made me smile on a Saturday morning after realising the runner you’d be following in bed BGing on a Friday night was still out there. This is a week of that with barely any real stops. Incredible really
    Poacher turned game-keeper

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