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Thread: Flu jab

  1. #1
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Flu jab

    Just had a letter from the NHS saying I'm entitled to a flu jab and they've noticed I haven't had one yet. Now I've never bothered in the past as I luckily don't seem to ever get colds or 'the flu', or ill. Last year my employer did try to coerce all employees to have one, but I gave it a miss (the bullying had the reverse effect!).

    My thoughts this year are that Ive had even less contact with people and certainly any people with sniffles and coughs so I'm inclined not to use this resource again this year.

    But...any thoughts/advice before I (probably) bin the letter, and leave chance to the Gods?
    Am Yisrael Chai

  2. #2
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mossdog View Post
    Just had a letter from the NHS saying I'm entitled to a flu jab and they've noticed I haven't had one yet. Now I've never bothered in the past as I luckily don't seem to ever get colds or 'the flu', or ill. Last year my employer did try to coerce all employees to have one, but I gave it a miss (the bullying had the reverse effect!).

    My thoughts this year are that Ive had even less contact with people and certainly any people with sniffles and coughs so I'm inclined not to use this resource again this year.

    But...any thoughts/advice before I (probably) bin the letter, and leave chance to the Gods?
    Having had flu a few years ago, I always get a flu jab when I can.

  3. #3
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    I'm getting to the age at 55.
    I can't remember having flu. I've had colds and recently had one that wasn't bad, but it stuck around for a couple of months in the background and kept coming back and needed a bit of anti-biotics to help shift it in the end.
    I'm not sure how clear it is whether you have flu or one of the other myriad of respiratory viruses that circulate.
    Bit of a snotty nose - a cold. Add in a temperature, aches and pains and flu tends to be self-diagnosed.
    Late 1986 / early 1987 my wife had what we believe to be flu. She's still has bad memories of it. The usual symptoms, but in extremis. I had to help her to the toilet for a couple of days at one point and stay in attendance in case she keeled over.

    I suppose when I start getting the letter I'll start thinking about having the annual shot as it isn't nice if you get it.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  4. #4
    Master PeteS's Avatar
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    It's safe, free , takes 5 minutes and may prevent what is quite a horrible illness. Why wouldn't you?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Until this year I never have taken the flu jab while my wife always takes hers. We've not seen a difference, possibly because I've been the guilty carrier.

    Like you, neither of us has suffered the usual bouts of flu for 12 months. It's taken 7 decades to learn to wash our hands, (teacher).

    Despite all that, this year I've taken the flu jab and two others for which I apparently qualify. Certainly, no adverse effects.

    All our defences are up as far as we know. Except, I'm still trying to break the lifetime habit of opening gates while wiping snot off my nose.

    Don't think twice about it. In memory of Pete Bland, take any defences offered.

    Measure the whole Surface of the Earth with our own feet. Don Quixote

  6. #6
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie D View Post
    Master runner

    Until this year I never have taken the flu jab while my wife always takes hers. We've not seen a difference, possibly because I've been the guilty carrier.

    Like you, neither of us has suffered the usual bouts of flu for 12 months. It's taken 7 decades to learn to wash our hands, (teacher).

    Despite all that, this year I've taken the flu jab and two others for which I apparently qualify. Certainly, no adverse effects.

    All our defences are up as far as we know. Except, I'm still trying to break the lifetime habit of opening gates while wiping snot off my nose.

    Don't think twice about it. In memory of Pete Bland, take any defences offered.

    Thanks to everyone who has posted. Appreciated. So, I've decided to give the GP surgery a ring on Monday and book an appointment. It wasn't out of some misplaced stubborn machismo that caused me to hesitate but a genuine desire not to waste a resource. I do understand however that its preventative. I'm not some anti-vaxxer, but don't usually (fortunately) need to take any meds. for anything.
    Am Yisrael Chai

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