I've had a small egg sized swelling behind my right knee for about 2 months now. While I had a little knee stiffness, it was my partner who first noticed it as I was about to head out, wearing shorts, for another run.

I've self-diagnosed this as a 'baker's cyst. It's not painful, and I think the knee stiffness (not really pain) has subsided over the last couple of weeks, but the cyst (if that's what it is) is still there. Range of knee motion is fine - it bends well and I've not issues while running. Post run it does stiffen further and swell a bit more.

I've not been to my GP or seen a phsyio yet, as it's not painful and due to present lockdown circumstances.

Anyone else had this? How did you manage (treat) it?

Honestly, I think I did this on the rower, rather than running, pushing too hard.

Online advice gives some exercises to do and stresses continued motion (which is a no-brainer). I've limited my runs to just 5 to 6 miles, 6 days a week, all off road, but with climbing included, and I take it really easy on the rower for now.