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Thread: Arenig Fawr

  1. #151
    Master ydt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Just noticed this in the Fellrunner race listing:

    Entry on day? X
    Pre-entry X

    Obviously wrong! There is Entry on the day only

  2. #152
    Super Moderator
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    May 2007
    The Worth
    If anyone is thinking about doing this then do it! Wonderful running in wild country with smashing folk. As good as it gets
    Poacher turned game-keeper

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Just to say thank you to Yiannis and his whole team for yesterday. As anticipated, there was a thoroughly nice community of people in attendance. It was my first race and I enjoyed every minute of it.

  4. #154
    Master wheezing donkey's Avatar
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    A Bowland Bog
    "Monolith", glad that you enjoyed it. I've been down to assist Yiannis with all 11 of the races and never get tired of visiting that part of the world. At the risk of being repetitive, "It's proper wild Welsh Wales, not Welsh Tourist Board Wales". Camped out in the van on Saturday night, at one of our favourite wild camping spots near the Rhinnogs .... just doesn't get better.

    I was a bit of an oddball until I was abducted by aliens; but I'm perfectly OK now!

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by wheezing donkey View Post
    At the risk of being repetitive, "It's proper wild Welsh Wales, not Welsh Tourist Board Wales".
    I completely agree Ian! Although I know the Llanberis Pass particularly well from a lifetime of climbing there, the same can't be said for South Snowdonia. I'll certainly be back over that way soon.

  6. #156
    Master ydt's Avatar
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    Arenig Fawr race coming up on Sunday 31st, 1pm start. Entry on the day, refreshments and cake. Map & compass and safety kit required. Race website

  7. #157
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Looking forward to this. Don't know these hills at all so hopefully the weather will hold out until next weekend, or it could be an even tougher day than anticipated!

  8. #158
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Superb race today. No doubt Tindersticks will provide a report which will do it more justice...

    A quite wild and untrodden part of Wales, every step today was hard work. The first steady climb through the quarries then the scramble up the gully to the first checkpoint soon sorted the men from the boys. I was firmly in the second camp.

    All sorts of lines being taken to the second and third checkpoints over some tough terrain. The second half of the race is generally a lot faster as most of the climb is done, save for the tough slog up onto Arenig Fawr itself, then follows a fantastic descent all the way back.

    The leading 20 or so seemed to pull away from the rest fairly quickly,and I was at the front of the 'second' group, maybe 20th-30th, for most of the race. On the climb up to Arenig Fawr I managed to drop the group behind me and latch onto a couple of Eryri guys, hoping their local knowledge would rub off on me. The slower of them looked about spent so I went after the other one, and we had a great battle all the way off Arenig, back to the finish, he deservedly pipped me by about 15 seconds, although to be honest I had half an eye on a runner behind me who came from nowhere and was making great progress.

    Think I came in around 21st, in 2hrs 7mins. There is definitely scope to knock a 10 minutes off that with better route choices alone. But really that is papering over the cracks, and got me thinking on the way home what separates the men from the boys. They were simply able to sustain a pace up through the quarries which, while not stunningly fast, was more than I would have been able to sustain. Or are they just more willing to push their bodies harder?

    Having said that, it was the first race in a while where I was happy with my performance. Usually set off far too fast and drop places throughout the race, back to my rightful position at the finish. Paced myself today, and although it probably didn't make too much difference to my overall time, it was much more enjoyable as it was a constant race against those around me. Definitely a confidence booster to have a good final descent and not lose any positions on terrain that at the start of the year, would have seen me struggling.

    It's a fantastic race and a great test, real hard running country, and deserves more than the 39 who turned out today. That said, the small turnout in itself gave it a special atmosphere.

    I have to also state that this race would be an utter nightmare in poor weather....

    Last edited by Travs; 31-07-2016 at 08:50 PM.

  9. #159
    Member duncz's Avatar
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    Great report on the race. This race deserves more support. Yianis puts in a lot of effort and his own money organising the event. The Arenigs are fantastic mountains which are not visited by the masses who don't realise what the they are missing. I was marshalling on the main top with Neville and was watching the runners in the valley below. It was interesting to see the routes taken and how much time you can lose by going slightly off line. Like a lot of races local knowledge helps.

  10. #160
    The proof is in the pudding: Yiannis Tridimas organises a fell has to be tough, you'd expect nothing less from Yiannis.

    The great man doesn't disappoint, Arenig Fawr is a fell race with the highest fell credentials.

    On arrival I instantly like the low key atmosphere. Registration is a tent that's pitched in a disused quarry car park at the back of beyond, ok slight exaggeration but it's a location the tourist masses at nearby Bala haven't ventured to and probably never will. Only 39 runners make the effort, I think we're almost outnumbered by the Bowland helpers.

    After Yiannis gave us a quick description of the route we're off up the old quarry track.... then the fun begins. We have two choices, either scramble up a rock strewn gully or skirt around to the right. Everyone seems to be full of adventure and opts for the gully, great route choice as it's a cracking climb.

    The terrain between check points 1 and 2 has me grinning to myself. This is the type of terrain Yiannis revels in and it's only fair for him to share it with us. Fleetingly I'd run along a trod only for it to disappear. If you ran high it was rough rock, if you ran low it was rough trussucks....everyone near me took different lines.

    Check point 3 is's an out and back up to Moel Llyfnant. The climb is a hard traverse but it's rewarded with a brilliant descent. The views over to Arenig Fawr are magical....but the magic soon disappears...that's the next climb.

    Once again different route choices are taken. The race is a free for all due to the wild nature of the terrain and lack of properly defined paths...worn Lakeland paths this isn't.

    The final descent is similar to that on Cwn Pennant Horseshoe for those who remember that beauty. It's bracken and heather tackled anyway you choose. Certainly testing conditions for the hamstrings and ankles.

    It's great to see Yiannis and Ian at the bottom offering words of encouragement just before the final few hundred yards....what a beltin race...proper fell race.

    Thanks to Yiannis and all his amazing helpers...Wales isn't exactly on the doorstep of Bowland but still they came...respect.

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