I’ve updated the various files on the site with this year’s successes but a check in the code that prevents access to the current year means it won’t be available at http://www.bobgrahamclub.org.uk/index.php?page=members until the new year. We had three winter rounds bookending the year: one new member, one solo by Paul Wilson and one solo by a non-member. The list of winter rounds to the end of this year is available at http://www.bobgrahamclub.org.uk/index.php?page=winter

Annual summary:

There were 230 registrations (40 ladies) with 103 successful rounds (19 ladies).

There were 99 successful clockwise rounds (18 ladies) and 4 successful anticlockwise rounds (1 ladies).

Fastest times were 12:23 for the men and 21:39 for the ladies.

The average age of successful contenders was 37yrs 1months.

The age of successful contenders ranged from 21 to 61.

Previous attempts

Previous Count
0 90
1 10
2 3
Total 103

The success rate was a bit down on the usual 50%, not sure why. Generally we’ve had around 10-12% of successes being women but this year saw it rise to 18%, early in the year it was actually at 25% but there were few attempts by women in the latter part of the season so it dropped back.

| start_month | Men | ladies |
| Jan | 1 | |
| Apr | 5 | |
| May | 11 | 5 |
| Jun | 35 | 8 |
| Jul | 16 | 4 |
| Aug | 10 | 1 |
| Sep | 5 | 1 |
| Oct | 1 | |

I’ve begun to ask about reasons for failure, not everyone responds but those that have are tabulated below.

| Reason | count |
| Did not start | 6 |
| Completed out of time | 13 |
| Injury | 1 |
| Illness | 2 |
| Bad weather | 8 |
| Ran out of time | 2 |

There's a bit more data at http://www.bobgrahamclub.org.uk/index.php?page=news