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Thread: Races in the Pentland Hills

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Angry Races in the Pentland Hills

    Worrying news posted on Facebook that both Carnethy 5 and Pentland Skyline races have had to be cancelled. This is due to a newly formed consortium of landowners putting a huge amount of new conditions for people organising races over these lovely hills. There is a full and very balanced statement from Joel Sylvester - organiser of the Pentland Skyline race on the Carnethy Hill Running Club website.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Senior Member Marco's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    These are some of the words of Joel Sylvester, the race organiser, on the page of the Carnethy Hill Running Club that MattPo has linked to. It's probably the last sentence which is most concerning, but the whole piece is worth reading

    "The denial of access to South Black Hill and Hare Hill was the final straw. The Skyline Race is hardly a skyline if it doesn’t cross all the tops. The reasons given were environmental impact, but there is zero evidence that the race caused any long term damage. Indeed we offered to move a flagged route every year, so there could be no possible build up of damage by the race. The offer was refused by the PLMA, we were told we would not have permission to cross South Black and Hare Hill. Permission that we would not need as individuals."

  4. #4
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Meanwhile, I now have a free day on Sunday October 8th. I am extending a personal invitation to everyone to join me for a drink in The Steading at 3pm. I will be going for a long run before hand, exercising my rights as an individual hill runner to cross open land in a responsible fashion. Probably about 16 miles on a well known circuit. You might wish to do the same, but aim to finish by 3pm so I’m not in the pub on my own. Start when you like, no cutoffs, no support, no prizes, no organisation. Remember, group outings by club members are not classed as events, so feel free to join up with others.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Marco's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    For those of you who have a free day tomorrow, can run 16 miles, and want to show your support for the sport here is something to consider. Taken from the Carnethy Hill Running Club


    Full article:

  6. #6
    Senior Member Marco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    175 people thought it was a nice day for a run on Sunday, as reported on the Carnethy Hill Running Club website

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