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Thread: New year resolutions - 2024

  1. #1

    New year resolutions - 2024

    ****** family *******

    Not shout to my family

    Be nicer to my family

    Visit Mum at least 3 times

    Visit my sister at least once

    (I live 1200km from Mum and Sis)

    ****** health *******

    Not buying alcoholic beverages (apart from already specified occasion, birthdays etc)

    Never drink more than 2 coffees in a single day (excluding when I work night shift). I only drink the strongest espresso ever, so "only" 2 is a ton of caffeine already

    ****** Environment *******

    Drive less than 3000km, year total

    ****** Finances *******

    Save at least 1100€/month, average (not counting mortgage repayment, and voluntary workplace pension)

    ****** Physical activity *******

    Run injury free whole year round. Complete at least one half marathon @<5min/km (the latter easy IF I crack the first, a big IF tough)

    Cycle at least 10,000km and 100,000m elevation before my birthday. And climb at least once 5000m in a single day.

    Swim at least 160km, year total

  2. #2
    Master molehill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I wish you luck with all those resolutions, you are made of sterner stuff than I am.

    I am happy to simply carry on as normal and at my age I don't intend giving up anything that I enjoy (unless I have to) and don't feel there is anything extra that my body can do, I am content with survival for another 12 months.
    Don't roll with a pig in poo. You get covered in poo and the pig likes it.

  3. #3
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Loving it in the Pilates Studio
    I'll just be carrying on as normal too. I don't really understand why a calendar year has to dictate any changes in habits, like christmas itself it's a relatively useless tradition.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    I could do with getting to bed earlier at night, having some structure to my running and drinking less real ale.

    More sensible things to do rather than resolutions.

    I shan't be holding my breath though!
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

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