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Thread: High Protein Diet

  1. #1
    Senior Member #bob#'s Avatar
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    High Protein Diet

    I have been taking protein supplements to complement my running, it has without doubt improved my leg strength. I can now squat 120k freeweights which is pretty impressive for a 70k guy. I can also press massive weights. I'm now really fast over short distances but unproven over long distance I can kick the arse of some of the local middle distance runners at the track over here.

  2. #2

    Re: High Protein Diet

    Has it had any effect on your overall body weight and on your lean mass? Just curious really, I always wonder what effect these suppliments have on your overall calorie intake and whather you need to be more careful about training enough to burn the calories off.

    I only run so I can eat cake Oh...and drink cider

  3. #3
    Member Last Man Home's Avatar
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    Re: High Protein Diet

    High Protein Diet!!
    If its like the one a body-building colleague is following then I have a question:

    Constipated yet or just gassing everyone??

    I'm not convinced of the merits of diets that promote an overload of a particular nutrient group. On the otherhand, taking supplements to compensate for a definite deficiency seems OK (Vit B, Zinc & Iron on top of a healthy diet for me or its mouthulcer hell: the Doc is flummoxed too).

    The weight training is probably the source of improvement, not the HP diet. You've probably come out of a training-plateau and reaped an improvement simultaneous with taking the supplement.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Roy Scott's Avatar
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    Wink Re: High Protein Diet

    Your body is a very clever set of biological systems, it will only take the protein it needs based on demand (max of 2.2g/kg lean body mass).Sounds like you are doing some effective training for the short to middle distances, focus on this.
    The Journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step

  5. #5
    Obviously, protein is a very important part of better health, if we don't take the best nutrition foods we do not feel better, it reduces the cause of high blood pressure and heart diseases, and lower cholesterol level. I also use proteins in the form of dry nuts and dates, because I love to eat them because they give high-quality organic nuts and prices are quite low as well, so it's a good way to buy quality packs of nuts from there.
    Last edited by vanessaparker301; 20-01-2021 at 05:16 AM.

  6. #6
    Master bigfella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Scott View Post
    Your body is a very clever set of biological systems, it will only take the protein it needs based on demand (max of 2.2g/kg lean body mass).Sounds like you are doing some effective training for the short to middle distances, focus on this.

    I read this book recently which I found very interesting as a non-Biologist (my wife is an ex-Biology teacher, my daughter is studying dietetics). It is very informative with plenty of amusing asides.
    Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run

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