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Thread: Today's Injuries

  1. #851
    Master Tussockface's Avatar
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    West Yorkshire
    Still not running after two months with a knee injury - (self-diagnosed) medial collateral ligament strain.
    I tried running through it in the early stages, which proved to be pretty stupid. So now I'm waiting to be entirely pain-free before venturing out again, and haven't so much as put my shoes on for a month.

    All in all, it's not been my year injury-wise; unfortunately, that's for the third consecutive year.
    If they were the same injuries, I'd be feeling like giving up, but as they're not I'm just putting it down to a prolonged patch of bad luck....
    "Get yourself together, Jones" - Ray Davies

  2. #852
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    That's the comeback on the back burner for a while then.

    Last evening I as I tried to get up from a seated position I felt a pain in my lower back on the right side. I couldn't straighten up properly. Ended up finding it easier to get around the house on all fours, much to the amusement of the dogs!

    After a very restless and painful night I couldn't get my pants and socks on without assistance this morning.
    Ibuprofen taken last night and this morning and once I have got myself upright I am able to walk/shuffle around.

    Looking back at yesterday I was lifting a few 60 litre bags of compost about and also up and down ladders clearing gutters and putting up bloody Christmas lights, during which I was probably reaching out too far.

    I can only think that during those activities I have pulled or strained something but cannot recall any discomfort at the time. Don't think I'll seek any medical attention at this stage but keep taking the Ibuprofen for a couple of days and hope it settles down.

    Anyone got any tips, apart from don't put Christmas lights up in November?

    PS What makes it worse is that it is a glorious day and I had planned a Grand Fondo for today. Bugger
    Last edited by Llani Boy; 26-11-2020 at 12:29 PM.
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

  3. #853
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    You have my sympathies LB. I get lower back tweaks from time to time and they're a bugger.

    My only tips, learnt from years of similar things is: don't do any heavy lifting without having done some exercise earlier in the day.

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. #854
    Master PeteS's Avatar
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    Live in Brum, run in Worcestershire and Shropshire
    I also suffer from lower back pain. I think it originates from years of abuse renovating houses virtually single handed. I only need to look at a bag of plaster these days! Can't stand up straight when it's really bad much to the amusement of the wife. As Noel suggests, easing your way in to any heavy lifting helps. I also incorporate a few specific stretches and strengthing exercises into my daily physio routine. Good for your core too so no doubt beneficial if you get back to running or cycling.
    Pete Shakespeare - U/A

    Going downhill fast

  5. #855
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Planks... they don't just work the stomach.. fantastic for entire core and lower back!

    I'm suffering the last 36 hrs after my hard downhill session on tuesday, hip flexors are in a lot of pain, probably from not doing any sustained hard descending recently. Couldn't get out last night, nor this morning. Hoping i might manage an easy run out tonight...

  6. #856
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Parsonage Turner Syndrome anyone? I guess it's just me then.

  7. #857
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by benshep View Post
    Parsonage Turner Syndrome anyone? I guess it's just me then.
    Jolly uncommon - did not see a case in 33 years, though I did see several cases of a similar problem affecting the thighs.

  8. #858
    Join Date
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    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by benshep View Post
    Parsonage Turner Syndrome anyone? I guess it's just me then.
    When I started reading about this, I was wondering if it was what I have been experiencing for the last two weeks; but my symptoms are far less severe. It started with pain on the left side of the neck, bad enough to stop me sleeping for a couple of nights. In a telephone consultation with a GP, I was advised to use Ibuprofen and a warm towel (I have been using a hot water bottle).

    The pain has become more diffuse, spreading to the shoulder, but less intense. The strange thing is that I am only aware of it at night. So: pain in the neck, at night: must be vampires sucking my blood. The trouble with that theory is that we eat a lot of garlic here.

    Anyway, Benshep, you have my sympathy; this seems to be a very unpleasant condition.
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  9. #859
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthonykay View Post
    When I started reading about this, I was wondering if it was what I have been experiencing for the last two weeks; but my symptoms are far less severe. It started with pain on the left side of the neck, bad enough to stop me sleeping for a couple of nights. In a telephone consultation with a GP, I was advised to use Ibuprofen and a warm towel (I have been using a hot water bottle).

    The pain has become more diffuse, spreading to the shoulder, but less intense. The strange thing is that I am only aware of it at night. So: pain in the neck, at night: must be vampires sucking my blood. The trouble with that theory is that we eat a lot of garlic here.

    Anyway, Benshep, you have my sympathy; this seems to be a very unpleasant condition.
    thanks Anthony. I must be very lucky, because it's my third bout of it in 10 years!

    I hope yours is not PT. If it is, once the pain abates the degenerative phase kicks in. in my first case of this, 10 years ago, i lost all use of my right arm. the second time, two years ago, (left arm that time) the loss of motion was much less severe but it still got very weak (the infraspinatus muscle - on the shoulder blade - wasted to almost nothing). so this time it's familiar, but a case of wait and see how severe it will be.

  10. #860
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Llani Boy View Post
    That's the comeback on the back burner for a while then.

    Last evening I as I tried to get up from a seated position I felt a pain in my lower back on the right side. I couldn't straighten up properly. Ended up finding it easier to get around the house on all fours, much to the amusement of the dogs!

    After a very restless and painful night I couldn't get my pants and socks on without assistance this morning.
    Ibuprofen taken last night and this morning and once I have got myself upright I am able to walk/shuffle around.

    Looking back at yesterday I was lifting a few 60 litre bags of compost about and also up and down ladders clearing gutters and putting up bloody Christmas lights, during which I was probably reaching out too far.

    I can only think that during those activities I have pulled or strained something but cannot recall any discomfort at the time. Don't think I'll seek any medical attention at this stage but keep taking the Ibuprofen for a couple of days and hope it settles down.

    Anyone got any tips, apart from don't put Christmas lights up in November?

    PS What makes it worse is that it is a glorious day and I had planned a Grand Fondo for today. Bugger
    Llani boy I did my back at the same time as you and even down to finding it easier to move on all fours, however my approach in view of the need to excercise my collie was to slightly reduce my daily mileage and to dig out my walking poles to aid my posture and set to walking as swiftly as I could over my usual stamping ground initially it was pretty uncomfortable but after a 3 days the poles were back in store and I was moving more freely and at no point did i entertain the use of nsaids and back to normal now until next time.

    I only mention the above because it woked for me and may be something that is of interest to you or anybody else good luck
    Last edited by JohnK; 08-12-2020 at 08:08 PM.
    The older I get the Faster I was

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