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Thread: sacked

  1. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    He was still feeling OK to drive when they went up. He was concerned that he might become ill because he was working closely with others that had including Johnson and Hancock.
    So: on the one hand we have unbridled and unreasonable prejudiced hatred of and vilification towards the man and doubts on his fitness to be a husband and father or even exist as a human being, and

    - calm, balanced lucid reasoning based on a belief in fairness, honesty, integrity and respect for the human spirit and the rights of all mankind to be judged fairly; not against bias, perjury and slander but measured simply against the purity of unadorned and transparent facts.

    Tough call eh?
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy Retriever View Post
    No, they're both breaches of the lockdown rules, one just happens to be far more serious than the other.

    You said "As to the minor - it is a bit like being a little bit pregnant." But it's not because a more serious breach of the rules is more likely to lead to infection in others. So whether a breach is minor or serious is wholly relevant.
    I think we are disagreeing about a minor breach of an offence vs a breach of a minor offence. I agree it was a minor offence, but not a minor breach of it.

  3. #113
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    The big flaw is that you are declaring it an offense.

    It wasn't.

    But another flaw is your claim that he went to Barnard Castle to test his eyesight. It was his wife who was concerned. He was prepared to go straight to London.

    From his statement.
    On Sunday 12 April, 15 days after I had first displayed symptoms, I decided to return to work. My wife was very worried, particularly given my eyesight seemed to have been affected by the disease. She didn't want to risk a nearly 300-mile drive with our child, given how ill I had been.
    The Secret Barrister thinks it was an offence - sure, just an opinion, but a legal opinion.

  4. #114
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    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    He was still feeling OK to drive when they went up. He was concerned that he might become ill because he was working closely with others that had including Johnson and Hancock.
    OK, I understand now. He drove 260 miles because he was feeling fine. Then he thought, "Hey, I've been working with people who have had coronavirus. I may start feeling ill on the way back".
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  5. #115
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
    You know stagger, people should be careful banding words like “morals” about.
    It’s a dangerous game. Few can afford rocks in glass houses.

    Because the less charitable of us might notice that the reason we are paying a lecturer a full salary to sit home or play golf is because of the “principle “ that narrow corridors full of hundreds of people ( at work) is a covid risk. That’s why all these students education is being wrecked remember?

    But When the very same person is planning to go in even narrower corridors with even more people, on an airline says it’s ok in that case because it is going on holiday to Turkey not work. A voluntary act. So not a principle then. Indeed put like that sounds very immoral! Different morals for work and leisure.

    All Cummings did was what he thought would best protect his family, when he got covid whilst working for all of us. For that you say he deserves to burn?

    Not personal mate, just be careful, Few would survive such wrath that Cummings must endure. And the protesters you see with placards In the media scrum are clearly breaking lockdown.

    There’s an old lady across the road.
    She’s distraught: her husband of 50 years, from whom she has never been apart had a fall, was hospitalised, got corona and now his life is on a knife edge, she cannot even see him. She herself had a serious stroke two years ago. She is in a very bad way.

    I’ve seen a couple of sets of relatives come and go, who have travelled a long way to see her ( I know, she told me where they live) to help her through it. Sometimes a group are there together.

    Would you piss on them or not?
    Do your high sounding morals have no compassion?
    Or are moral tests only for people you don’t like?

    Stagger , you ate a good bloke, but arguments about morality never end well.
    Could you cope with the attack that twists all you do in the worst possible light?

    Few of us could.
    Last edited by Oracle; 31-05-2020 at 07:14 PM.

  6. #116
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2015
    "Stagger , you ate a good bloke,"

    I'm sure Stagger is a lot of things, but not a cannibal!

  7. #117
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Oracle, your point is flawed.

    It's work that won't let me in. Not me refusing to work. The day I'm informed work is open is the day I start work. Fact.

    Would a sensible person test his eye sight by driving. I don't think so. A dumb excuse.

    If you read all my posts I have no fear of the virus because I have no fear of death.

    You have some excellent views but this time you are wrong. That's ok by me as we all make mistakes.

    He was wrong to do what he did.

    As adults we disagree and that is fine. I do have morals

  8. #118
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Oh another point of fact is no students education is being wrecked. Totally wrong again.

  9. #119
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oracle View Post

    There’s an old lady across the road.
    She’s distraught: her husband of 50 years, from whom she has never been apart had a fall, was hospitalised, got corona and now his life is on a knife edge, she cannot even see him. She herself had a serious stroke two years ago. She is in a very bad way.

    I’ve seen a couple of sets of relatives come and go, who have travelled

    Stagger , you ate a good bloke, but arguments about morality never end well.
    Could you cope with the attack that twists all you do in the worst possible light?

    Few of us could.

    Not nice for the lady and I hope all is ok


    You are talking to a bloke who has lost his younger brother to Huntington's disease at 45, seen his Dad, Mum, 4 grand parents, younger cousin at 10 and 2 aunties and uncles past away.

    Death affects us all it's just when.

    Coping with mental illness and doing my best to enjoy life.

    And you are cheering on a hypocrite.

    Each to their own.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
    You know stagger, people should be careful banding words like “morals” about.
    It’s a dangerous game. Few can afford rocks in glass houses.
    I stand by what I said. He has NO morals
    Because the less charitable of us might notice that the reason we are paying a lecturer a full salary to sit home or play golf is because of the “principle “ that narrow corridors full of hundreds of people ( at work) is a covid risk. That’s why all these students education is being wrecked remember?

    The employes choice, not mine.

    But When the very same person is planning to go in even narrower corridors with even more people, on an airline says it’s ok in that case because it is going on holiday to Turkey not work. A voluntary act. So not a principle then. Indeed put like that sounds very immoral! Different morals for work and leisure.
    If deemed safe to fly, Turkeyhere we come

    All Cummings did was what he thought would best protect his family, when he got covid whilst working for all of us. For that you say he deserves to burn?

    Cummings did what he wanted and lied to all concerned. Then went driving with potentialy defective eye sight. Very smart

    Not personal mate, just be careful, Few would survive such wrath that Cummings must endure. And the protesters you see with placards In the media scrum are clearly breaking lockdown.

    Disobey your own guidanceand who would you expect to get the blame?

    There’s an old lady across the road.
    She’s distraught: her husband of 50 years, from whom she has never been apart had a fall, was hospitalised, got corona and now his life is on a knife edge, she cannot even see him. She herself had a serious stroke two years ago. She is in a very bad way.

    I’ve seen a couple of sets of relatives come and go, who have travelled a long way to see her ( I know, she told me where they live) to help her through it. Sometimes a group are there together.

    Would you piss on them or not?
    Do your high sounding morals have no compassion?
    Or are moral tests only for people you don’t like?

    Stagger , you ate a good bloke, but arguments about morality never end well.
    Could you cope with the attack that twists all you do in the worst possible light?

    I'm not a hypocrite

    Few of us could.
    You appear to be a very intelligent person but on this occasion we disagree.

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