Likewise, sorry to hear about your mishap Pete. Similar to Mike I (when not off running due to injury) normally trip/fall every week or so. The vast majority have no significant impact. I do find that most of my "worst" fall related injuries occur when I am close to the end of run and tired, or not concentrating on running and thinking ahead to the finish. It seems reasonable that when I'm tired I don't pick my feet up as high and therefore am more likely to trip on those pesky upward protrusions.

Like you Pete, when coming back from a "bad one" I am usually much more circumspect/nervous when running at 'speed' over the rough stuff. I usually find that a combination of conciously picking up my feet and time helps me get back into stride. It might take me a few months to 'get over it' completely.

Don't tell anyone, but a 'near miss' fall was a factor in my deciding to focus on long and ultra races for while. The inherent slower pace was a good excuse not to have to go so fast over the dicey ground.