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Thread: Resignation fromCommittee

  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Fellhound View Post

    In the case of the Coroner's letter only I and Pete Bland actively opposed it and refused to agree. After a breath-taking browbeating session, I agreed to work with Graham Breeze and Jon Broxap to re-word the final paragraph only. This resulted in changes which Graham now seems keen to take credit for, though they were driven by me, and I reluctantly agreed for the letter to be sent.


    It is true that although 17 of the 19 members present supported the proposed response the Chair sought unanimity and it was agreed to rework the final paragraph to achieve your support and this is minuted.

    However outside the meeting you then attempted to rework several other paragraphs in the main body of the letter, which the Committee had not agreed should be revisited.

    In fact Jon Broxap and I did agree to further changes to two sections in the body of the letter and the full revised letter was resubmitted to gain unanimous approval of the Committee before submission to the Coroner. This was achieved. You indicated your support "in the interests of harmony within the Committee" in an email dated 11th December 2013.

    The facts of the drafts and Jon Broxap will verify my account.

    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Toreador View Post
    I was just going by what Graham Breeze said. I'm not sure why he'd lie about it.
    Neither am I so what were the words I actually used?
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    Neither am I so what were the words I actually used?
    "But there is not a single assertion that has been made on this Forum or facebook that cannot be truthfully and completely answered by the Committee. But there are only 22 of us and 7500 members and Officers do have other things to do in the interests of the membership and if the Committee starts responding to every point on here it will need to grow to 23 people by employing a full time media officer."

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post

    It is true that although 17 of the 19 members present supported the proposed response the Chair sought unanimity and it was agreed to rework the final paragraph to achieve your support and this is minuted.

    However outside the meeting you then attempted to rework several other paragraphs in the main body of the letter, which the Committee had not agreed should be revisited.

    In fact Jon Broxap and I did agree to further changes to two sections in the body of the letter and the full revised letter was resubmitted to gain unanimous approval of the Committee before submission to the Coroner. This was achieved. You indicated your support "in the interests of harmony within the Committee" in an email dated 11th December 2013.

    The facts of the drafts and Jon Broxap will verify my account.

    Without meaning to stir it up, just noting a fact, the one who disagreed in principle, (agreed not to disagree in practise, as per saying "interests of harmony") was the one qualified to comment on safety matters, on a subject to do with safety.

    It is a known problem on technical decisions. What do you do if the best qualified and/or experienced people don't agree? Without raising ghosts, nobody can dispute now that there were substantial issues wrong in the July rules as unanimously approved, so it clearly questions the validity of unanimous approval.

    I can only hope that seeds I am sowing elsewhere on "what might be" instead, eventually percolate back into FRA, but whatever the outcome of that, the rules+ statements to coroner has created an expectation that will now be hard to alter.

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Toreador View Post
    "But there is not a single assertion that has been made on this Forum or facebook that cannot be truthfully and completely answered by the Committee. But there are only 22 of us and 7500 members and Officers do have other things to do in the interests of the membership and if the Committee starts responding to every point on here it will need to grow to 23 people by employing a full time media officer."
    That's OK. I stand by that. I am often misquoted on here, though oddly only by those who wish to distort my views to their own advantage.

    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    That's OK. I stand by that. I am often misquoted on here, though oddly only by those who wish to distort my views to their own advantage.
    So you agree that a committee too busy to answer these points once on here is likely to be too busy to answer them several times by phone? Which is all I was trying to day!

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    That's OK. I stand by that. I am often misquoted on here, though oddly only by those who wish to distort my views to their own advantage.

    Even you would struggle to deny basic facts.Having prevented a consensus being minuted on the grounds there was not vote, madders would not allow a vote on andys motion presented well before the meeting. Whats the point in arguing it.

    Do we really have to put undignified emails in public domain to prove it? And that's part of the chain of events that made him resign, culminating in the statement.

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by alwaysinjured View Post
    It is also a convenient misrepresentation. The executive try to deflect this as a criticism of committee in general whereas, The criticism has been directed at a few members of the executive, and certainly less inflammatory and rude than public statements made by them in multiple forum accounts. Would "george" for example like to identify themselves, directly criticising Andy or hide away in shame - it can only be one of three people, and I can have a shrewd guess at which!

    The criticism of committee if there is one, is by now they must clearly accept that the july rules for example should not have been approved. There were a lot of basic problems. So clearly it questions the committee dynamic or the due diligence done by each member by which that document was approved, and it certainly question the lack of proactive consultation with such as Wynn, so clearly something is not right. Self reflection needed. Andy is the only one that I have seen "hold his hands up" for that ,saying he should have looked under the hood! for which I respect him enormously, others should do the same.

    Secondly, Andy clearly wanted a motion voted. It is his basic right to do that if he wants it so. They should have supported his right to a hearing, not necessarily his position, against the attempts to prevent it. If they did not want it, fine, allow the vote and vote it down!.

    He also won a "consensus" at a meeting in preston in as far as anyone (including the secretary) can tell which was removed from minutes. There is no justifiable reason for sitting on sidelines allowing either vote to be supressed.

    When the first one in preston was discounted because it is was argued no "formal show of hands" was made (nowhere mandated in the constitution for committee) , Andy did the right thing. He then and as a consequence proposed a written motion instead then for a proper vote, to avoid the uncertainty, that was then refused a hearing or a vote! Committee should have acted to allow proper process even if voting against. For that the whole committee are guilty of standing by and letting it happen.

    As far as I am aware , no actual show of hands was done on approval of the letter to coroner, nor can there have been, since some wording was not discussed till after, as far as I am aware from Andy no show of hands took place, and I doubt if a written motion was passed. Yet that is presented as UNANIMOUS! when an actual consensus at Preston meeting was ignored because the chair didnt like it! Committee - these things have to stop!

    Thirdly the ad hominem attacks and misleading statements in multiple accounts on this forum by several committee are clearly not right. The rest of committee are guilty by association unless they act to prevent that, resulting in moderators resigning now.

    So committee have some soul searching. Brett should not have to put up with a load of **** which is not right and not of his making, and that needs directing at those at the helm doing such things.
    I have just received a PM thanking the Committee for all our hard work saying :

    It must be galling to face trial by forum whilst making our beloved sport safer. I appreciate all you are doing.

    The writer used a pseudonym but, as I have often observed, the only time people complain about pseudonyms is when they don’t like what has been posted. Otherwise they appear to be OK and part of the fun of the forum.
    The committee has been criticised because it doesn’t generally address posts on here and to illustrate why I choose just one post from AI to respond to.

    The “July rules”: date back to… last July, and as you note Andy Walmsley accepted them without dissent. They preceded the Inquest by 3 months so could never have been the final version which was not agreed until after the Coroner’s letter was received (in late October) and just before the Calendar went to the printers at the end of November so it could be sent out before Christmas.

    Consultation: the notice about the review was placed on the FRA website. Clearly some RO saw it because they sent in their comments as did others during the second round of consultation.

    The Motion: in my 12 years on the Committee I do not recall a single “motion”. It may be how other committees work (although I think you have said you cannot work with committees?) but it is not how the FRA has chosen to work despite its frequently changing membership. I suggest the 22 people on the committee should be allowed to decide how they wish to work between themselves rather than be told by one member or even a non-member.

    The Preston meeting: you assert matter was “removed from the minutes”. The minutes for that meeting were unanimously approved by the committee at the following meeting in Kendal at which Andy Walmsley was present. He did not register his dissent.

    Letter to Coroner: I have addressed this elsewhere. With 17 out of 19 members in support the letter could have been legitimately sent that day but instead the Chair and the committee went a long way to achieve unanimity by gaining Andy’s approval.

    And so on.

    The above are short responses. They are not qualified or convoluted with subordinate phrases but I believe them to be true. I was present at the meetings referred to. You were not. Fortunately all I have said can be proven by documentary evidence.

    Now what?

    Will you say “OK Graham I accept your points?”

    Or will we see you break your declared silence yet again with another opus to which I am expected to reply...and on and on?

    Life is short and then we die.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  9. #129
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    I have just received a PM thanking the Committee for all our hard work
    Khamsin I bet

  10. #130
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Post 433 3/10 by GB

    The new 2014 Safety Requirements (version dated 1st September 2013) were approved nemine contradicente by the full FRA Committee on 1st September 2013.

    They have been circulated to all other 6 fell running bodies (ie SHR, WFRA, BOFRA, NIMRA,...)- all of whom were invited to comment on earlier drafts-, UKA and they were issued to the Coroner at the Inquest touching the death of Brian Belfield.

    It's done.

    RO will have to implement them for 2014 to gain FRA Registration (and thereby race insurance).

    The FRA Committee is planning workshops from next month to explain those areas that require interpretation, share best practice, etc.

    then after a variety of points had been made, mainly of the Forum.
    22/10/13 - Statement by FRA

    2014 FRA Safety Requirements For Fell Races
    Tue 22nd Oct, 2013

    A draft dated 1st September was issued to race organisers

    You seem to have gotten a little confused when you say "They preceded the Inquest by 3 months so could never have been the final version"

    Fact - it was out out that the September version was final. "DONE".

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