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Thread: Sack the royal family

  1. #11
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    ...... - unless he is so dim and deluded that he no longer has any sense of reality.
    Umm, funny you should mention that possibility.......

  2. #12
    Master Daletownrunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    Given that everyone who worked in an ex-nationalised industry knows how inefficient they were and might now be a shareholder in the successor privatised industry, I am surprised that Corbyn and his North Korean pals think nationalisation is a vote winner - unless he is so dim and deluded that he no longer has any sense of reality.
    It’s clear he has no sense of reality, if he did he would stand down and give his beloved party half a chance of being elected

  3. #13
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    Given that everyone who worked in an ex-nationalised industry knows how inefficient they were and might now be a shareholder in the successor privatised industry, I am surprised that Corbyn and his North Korean pals think nationalisation is a vote winner - unless he is so dim and deluded that he no longer has any sense of reality.
    Let's see. I guess the unions think it's a great idea and are probably telling Corbyn he's genius right now.

    I think there are many rail users who would support renationalisation (and am I right that our own Witton Park agrees with this?). And I'm not sure the experiment into privatisation within the water industry has been a success either. For me it should be a case-by-case basis. That's the problem with some politicians - they're driven by dogma. Thatcher thought privatisation was great for everything, and Corbyn thinks nationalisation is great for everything.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    Let's see. I guess the unions think it's a great idea and are probably telling Corbyn he's genius right now.

    I think there are many rail users who would support renationalisation (and am I right that our own Witton Park agrees with this?). And I'm not sure the experiment into privatisation within the water industry has been a success either. For me it should be a case-by-case basis. That's the problem with some politicians - they're driven by dogma. Thatcher thought privatisation was great for everything, and Corbyn thinks nationalisation is great for everything.
    Well Thatcher was right in principle (and of course Trade Unions want to get back to feather bedding and "Spanish Practices and closed shops etc)- but there are two issues. One is the business model you adopt and the other is the condition of the industry taken over; and the railways is a good example of both.

    The original fragmented model for the railways was flawed (as an unthinking reaction to British Gas being privatised as one vertically integrated "well head to burner tip" monopoly) and it is taking a long time to remedy that misjudgement - hindered by the Government.

    The second is that the railways (like water) had been chronically underfunded by government and the massive costs of improving things now falls on the public via ticket prices and surprise! surprise!, some people don't like paying for faster, cleaner, SAFER and more modern and frequent trains: but I am happy to and I do.

    Still under Labour no doubt travel will be free for all - executive jets to one's local airport?

    Oh and back to British Gas plc. No plc can take on the government and win and eventually British Gas plc was forced by the government to break itself up into different plcs. Transco was then swallowed up by National Grid plc, the exploration company fell into the arms of the oil industry, and the gas sales market became fragmented and is now in chaos with piddling companies promising cheap gas but unfortunately going bust every few weeks with the big players having to bail them out - using the money I pay for my gas bill of course.

    Has Corbyn promised free gas and electricity yet?
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  5. #15
    Master Stolly's Avatar
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    The private company playbook when taking over a nationalised industry.

    1. Quote a stupidly low price for the franchise such that the government are guaranteed to give you the contract

    2. Re-employ all the old staff but on brand spanking new contracts that either pay less or require longer or more flexible working hours

    3. Raid the pension fund by not contributing to it and building up a funding deficit. Close that scheme to future membership and plonk everyone into a cheaper alternative (that provides a lowers pension)

    4. Cut business costs at every opportunity as it’s only by making massive cost savings that you have any chance of making any money

    5. Less people doing the work usually works

    6. Desperately raise the prices of the service that you are offering

    7. Realise that your business model is going to hell in a hand basket and get a hand out from the government to stop you going under


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Stolly View Post
    The private company playbook when taking over a nationalised industry.

    1. Quote a stupidly low price for the franchise such that the government are guaranteed to give you the contract

    2. Re-employ all the old staff but on brand spanking new contracts that either pay less or require longer or more flexible working hours

    3. Raid the pension fund by not contributing to it and building up a funding deficit. Close that scheme to future membership and plonk everyone into a cheaper alternative (that provides a lowers pension)

    4. Cut business costs at every opportunity as it’s only by making massive cost savings that you have any chance of making any money

    5. Less people doing the work usually works

    6. Desperately raise the prices of the service that you are offering

    7. Realise that your business model is going to hell in a hand basket and get a hand out from the government to stop you going under

    Tsk Tsk. Train a couple of minutes late this morning Stolly?
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  7. #17
    Master Stolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    Tsk Tsk. Train a couple of minutes late this morning Stolly?
    Haha as always. Unless it doesn’t run at all

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Nice to hear your views stolly.

  9. #19
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    A good summary Stolly.
    So what would be the nationalised playbook to correct those issues?
    Simon Blease

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    Let's see. I guess the unions think it's a great idea and are probably telling Corbyn he's genius right now.

    I think there are many rail users who would support renationalisation (and am I right that our own Witton Park agrees with this?). And I'm not sure the experiment into privatisation within the water industry has been a success either. For me it should be a case-by-case basis. That's the problem with some politicians - they're driven by dogma. Thatcher thought privatisation was great for everything, and Corbyn thinks nationalisation is great for everything.
    I very much doubt sensible rail users support it.
    Allowing communist RMT to paralyse the nation not just south east, so no rail users get to work. How is that an improvement? Seventies all over again.

    Be under no illusion that is why corbyn wants it. His union paymasters made that the quid pro quo.

    There is no efficiency argument for it, the cost of french rail per km is massive because of union stranglehold, and drivers in uk are way overpaid for the same reason.

    Trouble is most of the voters were not born when corbyns mates last paralysed Britain and industry.

    Even on here the starry eyed corbynistas need to get a grip.
    I should sell them get rich quick schemes, they are clearly gullible enough to accept unicorn promises.
    Last edited by Oracle; 25-11-2019 at 05:28 PM.

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