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Thread: So... 2016 then?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by Travs View Post
    Best moment, worst moment, hardest race? Hopes/plans for 2017?
    Best moment: 10 minutes before the start of the Masson Hill Race, when the hailstorm that had been lashing down for the previous half hour eventually stopped.

    Worst moment: Three weeks later, when my left Achilles tendon became seriously painful.

    Hardest race: Masson Hill. It was my only race of 2016 (due to above mentioned Achilles tendon).

    Hopes/plans for 2017: to run more than one race in the year.

  2. #12
    Master Hes's Avatar
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    This has been a recovery year for me. Last year I was all set to train for a BGR after completing the Lakeland 100 and various other long events. Then I got reactive arthritis in my right knee and for three months I was in a lot of pain and couldn't walk properly, let alone run. 2016 I was running again but realising how much fitness I'd lost.

    Worst moment was the Yorkshire Three Peaks fell race. A humbling experience as I only made the Hill Inn cut off by 1.30mins and spent most of the race feeling that it was a sufferfest! Thank goodness for Settle Harriers support along the route. The second worst moment was doing 20 miles of the Dales Skyline with Stolly and crying from the pain on one of the ascents and the realisation of how far I had to go to get back to anything like the fitness I have had.

    Best moments...marrying Stolly at the Cruck Barn, Appletreewick was one. We had a brilliant day of good food, good company and dancing and my face ached from all the laughing. It was lovely to have a few fellrunning friends there too.

    Running wise, there's been a few lovely runs locally but I would class completing Borrowdale fell race in one piece as a triumph and taking part in the Ian Hodgson Relays for Settle Harriers. I ran leg 3 with Sharon MacDonald. It was a creditable performance all things considered and a lot of fun.

    Lately I've run with Stolly and lots of friends and I've also had a few nice solitary ones. I feel like I've got my running mojo back. I'm currently running everyday and have done about 24 of Stolly's 60 Penyghents so my legs feel like they are getting stronger.

    For 2017 I'm concentrating on getting some core strength, building up the miles and doing some speedwork. I've entered the Lakeland 50 with a view to trying to get a pb and I'll do some longer fell races. I want to have some long days out in the lakes and work on making the BGR a possibility again. Then in 2018...we'll see! Ultimately I am enjoying running again and I just want to continue to have some great days out.
    'The birds are the keepers of our secrets'

  3. #13
    Senior Member Captain Shuffle's Avatar
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    It's been a funny kind of year for me really with me struggling to find any sort of real focus and adopting a 'just enjoy it' mantra.

    Only managed on Lakeland race this year with the annual pilgrimage to new lands for the excellent Anni Waltz Race. Tried some new race and enjoyed some of the BOFRA's again. Main achievement was completing the entire 14 races on the Pendle & Burnley GP, earning a medal at the prize giving for my efforts.

    2017, Re-gain a focus for fell running, got a couple of Lakeland races in the diary already. Maybe have another crack at the Y3P....
    Wayne McIntosh - Clayton-le-Moors Harriers

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  4. #14
    Running year in general - awful, just awful. Injured on 2nd January and followed with another year of recurring calf injuries, lowest ever annual mileage (circa 170), and no racing to speak of.

    Happily ended on a more optimistic note as I managed a few runs on Ilkley Moor through December without too much damage. Hoping to jog round ALS at the weekend.

    Low Point: No lake district races
    High point: Finally running with friends (and the dog) again

    If I can get a couple of months of steady running done, then build from there, i'd love to return to Jura next year having returned my entry this year. If I can get round Jura, i'd hope to finally make it to Sierre Zinal.

  5. #15
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    It's been probably my worst year for running. Not sure if it's just me getting old or what now. I'd struggled in the early part of 2016 with niggles and set myself a few tests before the Three Peaks to see if I was OK.

    Darwen Half Marathon at end of March test one - passed it, but paid for too fast a start on a very hilly HM course.

    Then on to the Pendle Cloughs race. Got round it, flagged in the last up and down over Pendle trig, but on to the PPP.

    In the PPP where I'd set myself a target of 2 hours max at the Hill Inn to carry on or time myself out. I felt comfortable at Higher Birkwith, but when I checked my watch I was a couple of minutes down on my schedule. By the time I hit the main road I was on for around 2:03 and decided to ease off and get the bus back. If I'd have carried on, I'd have been timed out at the Hill Inn anyway as many of those in front of me ended up being.

    I've struggled to get running properly since then, but was going OK in the LDWA In Pendle's Shadow until an ankle turn and the Autumn has been another series of niggles.

    Averaging around 15 miles a week at the moment.

    Running highlight was Pendle Cloughs.

    Running low was timing myself out at the PPP.

    Target is to build a base in the early part of 2017 and to have a go at the Slioch Horseshoe way up in the Highlands next May.
    I've passed Slioch many times - it just looks awesome and I want to go up it.

    Probably try and use the bike more and get some longer, slower hill run/walks in to get me going properly again.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  6. #16
    Super Moderator
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    My year has largely been about work, incredibly! In terms of running I had another stop start year of a few social runs followed by weeks of relative inactivity. It's nearly six years since I did the BG and four since I trained with Stef for hers. I might get fit and do the Hobble this year (I've done eight and love the day), but then again I might not
    Poacher turned game-keeper

  7. #17
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    This year I switched from running everyday to running 30 plus miles a week and at least 6000 feet of total ascent, whichever comes last, and it's improved my enjoyment of running no end (as I can actually miss a day or even two in a week and I don't feel a failure or experience that nagging obsessive daily pressure to 'do the run'). My weekly goal seemed, and has proven, eminently doable, but still offers a challenge, for me that is.

    Also, the quality of my runs has improved markedly too, as I'm not simply box-ticking to chalk up a daily minimum distance (3 mile) run, but I'm now running further and looking for ascent. I'm fortunately able to do a 'out-the-back-door' 5 miler on the fells behind the house and clock up 700 feet, or easily (ahem!)add an extra mile on to this distance, but by doing so record nearly 1400 feet instead.

    Did the Saunders for the first time this summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. We came in the top half (just!) of the Kirkfell class and in the top 1/4 when adjusted for vets - which sounds better .

    Acquiring a Garmin Fenix3 has proved a mixed blessing to a slightly 'OCD-er' such as myself ..

    For example, having clocked up, say, 4.5 miles at the halfway mark my inner tyrant says 'hey, make it 5 and that'll be 10 in total!', or '782 meters....why not add in a quick hill rep to knock the total over 800?'...and so on...and so on.

    Long-term goal remains the same - to keep on fell running and living it for as many years into the future as possible. That's life, it's a long race!
    Am Yisrael Chai

  8. #18
    Senior Member wjb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    In the PPP where I'd set myself a target of 2 hours max at the Hill Inn to carry on or time myself out
    Quite ambitious then!

    Ricky Lightfoot only managed 1h57 at the Hill Inn.
    Last edited by wjb; 29-12-2016 at 06:13 PM.

  9. #19
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Good year for me. New training regime which worked, and life things generally OK.

    Highights. Sedbergh: 12th vet;
    Langdale finishing and enjoying it.

    Bad moments? Our old dog died, but he was 16.

  10. #20
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wjb View Post
    Quite ambitious then!

    Ricky Lightfoot only managed 1h57 at the Hill Inn.
    Yes sorry, meant Ribblehead
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

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