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Thread: Depression

  1. #401
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Down at the minute, dealing with solicitors and work is taking it's toll.
    Not sleeping, worrying, feeling down.
    Could do with an end to it all.

  2. #402
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2009
    Sorry to hear that, Stagger.
    I can't offer any solutions, I'm afraid, but I can empathise.

  3. #403
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Thanks Leaf.
    I have gone to Turkey for R&R.
    More counselling to come but slowly making progress.

  4. #404
    Super Moderator
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    The Worth
    How are you Leaf?
    Poacher turned game-keeper

  5. #405
    Senior Member
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    A bit like Stagger on 14th July minus the bit about solicitors.

    Really appreciate you asking, though, DT. Thanks.

    Tell me, though, someone - does anyone actually Enjoy life? Or does everyone find it hard going and wish there was an easy exit door?

  6. #406
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Sorry Leaf, I should have asked too.
    We get so low that we struggle to see who is around us.
    Have you been to a counsellor for therapy?

  7. #407
    Grandmaster IanDarkpeak's Avatar
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    near the dark stuff
    Hang in there Trevor, there is light at the end of the tunnel and your friends will always be there for you.

    You too Leaf, hope it all works out for you.

  8. #408
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Loving it in the Pilates Studio
    Quote Originally Posted by Leaf View Post
    Tell me, though, someone - does anyone actually Enjoy life? Or does everyone find it hard going and wish there was an easy exit door?
    Enjoyment is an abstract concept, it's a story. Life is an existence which gives us sensory input, whether or not this input is enjoyable is the result of a story being imposed on it. I don't like the phrase "life is what you make of it" because it is frequently used by those seeking to attack the negative rather than foster the positive; however i do like the phrase, "you create your own reality", because you do. You create it on a quantum level when The Observer Effect causes Field energy to become matter, and you create it by imposing the mental notion of causality on a world of observable effects. Creation is life-giving in every sense.

    The mind is so, so powerful, and it will run riot if you let it. It will manifest its beliefs as physical problems in the body, and in my experience Hay Fever is a very good example of this. If you allow your mind the freedom to find meaning where none need exist you will soon be imposing causality on anything and everything- 'that man cycles on the pavement because he doesn't respect pedestrians' is one i was up against just yesterday. Stress, or lack of Enjoyment, is always the product of a story, an uninvestigated belief system.

    Somewhere in your mind, Leaf, there is an underlying foundational belief system that is operating freely and unchallenged, and is creating stories based on sensory input which your mind is then attatching to as being true. There is no harm in a thought unless you attach to it as if it were true. To attach to a thought as if it were true happens without your knowledge, it happens in your subconscious mind, which is 20 times more powerful that your conscious mind and processes data at 40 million Bits/Sec. These story creating systems are often built out of the results of childhood trauma or bad programming during childhood. The subconscious mind thinks literally, it doesn't rationalise sensory input, the conscious mind takes what the subconscious thinks and generates abstract concepts such as enjoyment or failure. Unlike the subconscious, the conscious is time-bound and is able to look back at past experience and forward to attempt to predict future events.

    An abstract concept such as the requirement for an easy exit from life is an example of a fairly complex and time-bound calculation performed by the conscious mind based on stimuli recieved from the subconscious which has been modulated or dealt with in a self-defeating manner. A manner, the source of which, it is now your task to uncover. Things don't happen for no reason, you are in this position to investigate your own thought patterns and correct the origin of a purely psychological dysfunction; a dysfunction which is responsible for the illusion of failure.

    It's my belief that depression arises out of failure to handle the energy level of Fear. Fear in me which arises out of loss of meaning, meaning which i have given something that i shouldn't have and that is now gone. What is the fear and what is the meaning? You can respond to fear by elevating to the level of Desire, where you strive to experience something again and go looking for it; or you can descend to the level of Grief where failure takes over, and failure leads inexorably to anger, anger usually at yourself.

    Think of yourself as Frodo Baggins. A task has been appointed to you, appointed to you by your higher self- the Superconscious Mind. It knows everything and sees the biggest of pictures, it rings alarm bells using stress and depression to draw the lower levels of your consciousness to the fact that something is seriously wrong. Your task is to uncover the illusionist responsible for the illusion, the power to do this lies within you and nobody but you can accomplish the task. Find out why your mind modulates sensory input the way it does. Find the trauma.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  9. #409
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leaf View Post
    A bit like Stagger on 14th July minus the bit about solicitors.

    Really appreciate you asking, though, DT. Thanks.

    Tell me, though, someone - does anyone actually Enjoy life? Or does everyone find it hard going and wish there was an easy exit door?
    I do enjoy life, Leaf. But then I always have. Yes there have been some rough times, its inevitable. And I,m quite sure that there are rough times to come. But on balance, I have, I do and I hope I can continue to enjoy life. How this is the case is impossible to say. Mr Brightside has got lots of detail for you. But I guess we are all different and I think I am very fortunate that I have enjoyment. I will not waste it!
    Simon Blease

  10. #410
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I am another that enjoys life even the tough times are ok (just another fact of life really).

    What I will say though is that I love a challenge and on the whole my life is probably the biggest challenge I have ever faced, and hopefully I will continue facing the challenge positively whatever life throws at me.

    I know that possibly sounds to simplistic but as said by wheeze we are all different.

    Stay positive and good Luck folks.,
    Last edited by JohnK; 31-07-2017 at 03:21 PM.
    The older I get the Faster I was

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