I'm not sure that I can add much to the wisdom that others have already provided, but it is clear that people do stop running for all sorts of reasons -- and then some of them start again at a later date. So don't beat yourself up about it if you don't feel like running now, although obviously you should keep doing some sort of (moderate) exercise.

For myself, I never completely stopped running; but having run a race 4 weeks before my son was born, my next race was 14 years later, after I kept seeing posters advertising the Woodhouse Eaves May Day Challenge on my Beacon Hill runs (I believe you have "form" in that event, L.F.F.); and I was down to one or two runs per week within that period. So there's certainly nothing wrong with giving your family priority. And I have no regrets about missing out on all those M40 and M45 prizes because I wasn't racing in those age groups. I am now enjoying life as a M55, though still only racing occasionally (only 5 races in 2017).

Something else that has kept my mojo up is that I keep getting injuries! Every time I have a few weeks off with an injury, I come back full of enthusiasm to get fit again!

Finally, I should point out that Wheezing Donkey's accusation that I did "impressive personal challenges" is greatly exaggerated. Those runs were impressive mainly for the obscurity of the hills I was on, and certainly not for their length.